Godfire: Part Two

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Description: a continuation of Godfire: Part One, in which Harry goes searching for the mysterious Draconus, and Ais, his younger sister, encounters the mer monarch, Leviahestne.

Song: Little Boy in the Grass by Aurora

Warnings: smutty shit and angst

Note: it is now I'm realizing I named Harry's younger sister, Ais, after my own pseudonym... I am a dumbass. Also apologizing for the length. Now... suffer! Sorry for any spelling errors.

Length: 5.3k words

Third Person POV

Almost two moon cycles later, the forest had gone gold with the coming of autumn. Harry watched as Ais conversed with a small, violently blue sprite, Ais's fiery mane of hair like a warm wind, and her golden eyes like falling stars. She looked quite the autumn faerie, especially with the golden leaf set into her skin like miniature suns, and the way the orange light of their setting star reflecting off of her mirrored legs. Elaine had stayed behind —  a strange flu had befallen her, yet their mother assured them it wasn't serious, and, anyway... that meant the two eldest Potter siblings could do things they couldn't do with the younger.

"Harry, would you like to come with me to the stream? The sprite told me the mer would be there tonight." Ais's summery voice interrupted Harry's train of thought. He turned to her, his mind still foggy with daydream dust.

"The mer?"

"That's what I said, isn't is?"

"Well, yes," Harry felt his face go hot.

And, for a moment, he recalled what the faerie hunter Alkha'Rendaehyine had told him of Draconus, and his heart gave a peculiar feeling that he couldn't quite place the source of.

"Are you referring to Winterbane River, perhaps?" Harry asked, his voice noticeably different.

Ais brushed it off with phantom fingers. "Aye, a tributary just to the east of it. Why?"

"Not a reason, Ais... not a reason," he murmured, and, while setting his dragon-like eyes to gaze at the rising moon, followed his sister into the dim.


They were hidden amongst the sprite lights. Around them, lustful laughter like the bubbles of champagne rang in the air, while the buzzing of wings was like a sweet, drowsy drug. Harry and Ais fought against the lull of their magic, focusing their eyes on the beauty of the arriving mer.

The first was that of the sea floor. Its hair was a tangle of dark, salty kelp, with eyes the same soulful tone. Jagged peaks of bleached coral rose from its rough, sandy skin, while its smooth torso and black, slippery tail marked it as a male. The next was female, with her flowing dorsals. She was that of white capped waves and stormy waters, with fierce, iridescent eyes that gleamed in the moonlight and tough, gray skin hardened against rain. From her head rose intimidating horns of yellowed bone and what appeared to be rotting driftwood, while her tail was a flat, monochrome blue pocked with holes and barnacles. The final mer, the most beautiful, had such a striking appearance that Ais's breath unwillingly whooshed from her body. The creature shimmered gold, as if taken from the molten seas of Morne, with whispy, ivory hair that went undisturbed by the shifting water and narrow eyes the color of the late night sky. The mer, her papery, dawn-pink dorsals moving gracefully in the river, her shimmering scales flashing from beneath the blue, turned her attention upon the two Potters.

Harry caught his breath and squeezed his eyes shut, expecting her to let out a bone-rattling wail, one that would send her comrades howling, however, she stayed silent, a curious look entering those gorgeous eyes. Harry, deeply unsettled, turned to his sister.

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