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Description: Harry offers to tattoo over Draco's Dark Mark (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None (though, should I do smut in later chapters?)

Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons

Length: 2.1k words

Harry's POV

My grip on my bag tightened.

People laughed and talked in front of me, focused on their friends. Though, I knew, the moment I stepped into there, that focus would shift to me.

Nobody was walking along the hallways of the train anymore, and instead were settled into the compartments.

All I wanted was to be alone.

But, with everything that happened the year before, there was no way I could sit with Hermione and Ron, who were surrounded by a group of giggling second years.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped away from their compartment, and continued down the hallway, ending up at the end of the train.

When I peaked into the last compartment, I saw Luna, absorbed in a book about herbology.

I knocked on the door, and she looked up at me, offering up a smile.

"Hello, Harry!" She crowed, and motioned for me to enter.

I did and sat.

She smiled slightly, fingering a page of her book.

"Nowhere to sit?" She asked.

I nodded hesitantly, and her eyes sparkled.

"Well, that's a first."

I chuckled.

"Yeah. It is."

For a moment we just sat there, staring at each other, until there was another knock on the door.

I jumped, and glanced at the glass.

Who was that?

Whoever they were shifted uncomfortably, the frosted glass blurring their features.

"I don't have a place to sit." They said through the door, and Luna motioned for them to come in.

When the did, I was struck by a sense of familiarity.

I blushed furiously.

Who were they?

"Excuse me," I murmured, watching as they sat daintily. "what's your name?"

They paused.

"You don't know?"

Again, that sense of familiarity.

"No... I'm afraid not. Seventh year?"


I should've known them, then.

I studied their face as they pulled a book out of their satchel, absolutely entranced.

Their hair was a soft blonde and curly, while their eyes were either lavender or silver... It was impossible to tell. Their face was all sharp, with the exception of their cashmere, rosebud lips and spidery lashes.

"Wow." I whispered, and they whipped their head towards me, tugging on their lavender shirt.


"Oh... Nothing." I said, flushing red.

Luna leaned over to me.

"Isn't he adorable?" She said giddily, her breath brushing my ear.

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