And We Lived

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Description: in a high school AU where Draco and Harry are paired together in a project, where they have to make a fear list

Warnings: None

Song: Homemade Dynamite by Lorde

Notes: Sorry for not posting recently... :/

Length: 3.2k words
Harry's POV

I look up at Draco through my eyelashes, who immediately blushes.

"What's your biggest fear?" I ask, and he shrugs, avoiding my gaze.

"I don't know."

"Really?" He's silent.

"I... I'm afraid of love."


*an hour earlier*

My teacher's words are just white noise to my ears, blank and empty as I feel. Everything is white noise, including my voice to everyone else. So many deaths, in so little time, poisoning my tongue as if with belladonna and melting away my words. The death toll goes on and on.

My uncle, Remus. My aunt, Nymphadora. My parents, Lily and James. My classmates, Collin and Lavender. My teachers, Severus and Albus. My godfather, Sirius.

Ever since Severus passed out in the middle of class during my presentation, and I went silent, Draco had been kinder to me, and in fact, I can no longer say I hate him. I don't think I'm allowed, anyway, since Blaise has replaced me as Ron's best friend and Hermione is dating Pansy. I guess I should hate them, but I... Can't. Why? I don't really know.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Ron and Hermione have a reason for drifting away from me. Perhaps it has to do with the reason Draco Malfoy, despite being an absolute jackass to me for years, is still beautiful. Except, beautiful in the sort of way ice or a jewel is. Remote, and cold.

I'm not the only one who was affected by the deaths.

"Harry Potter, are you listening to me?" Ms. McGonagall's voice brings me out of my daze. Our eyes meet, and she quirks a brow, a small smile playing gat the edges of her lips.

My face stays still.


"You're paired with Mr. Malfoy." At that, my blood runs cold.

"For what?" I ask carefully.

"The fear list, of course!" What?

But I don't question her, and instead turn to Draco, who sits beside me. His eyes are smoldering with both anger and something unreadable.

He sighs. "Of course I'd be placed with Potter. My luck, exactly."

I wrinkle my nose. "I'm not that bad."

"Uh, yeah, you are."

"What did I ever do to you?" I snarl.

Before he can respond, McGonagall clears her throat, bringing the attention of the class to the front of the room.

"You can use all of sixth and seventh block to begin your project. I expect you to work on it for the next week or so, however, so don't go all doing it tonight. And, remember," she calls as we begin to stand. "at least three things for each person!"

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