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Description: A soulmate AU in which you can see every color except for the one of your soulmate's eyes (Draco's POV)

Warnings: None

Song: Green Light by Lorde

Length: 800 words

Draco's POV

Everyone describes the color green as beautiful, magical, a color that can portray jealousy and tranquility and focus all at once. It is a color I have only read about in books, for I have never seen the color green.

It's peculiar, really... The trees and grass and leaves are all brilliant shades of blue, and, to be honest, it looks as if it should be something other. I suppose that's because all my life, I have been taught that seeing grass as blue is wrong. So, therefore, whenever I see the grass just outside of the common rooms, I just feel wrong.

Technically, I should be in my sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, however, my father decided that Durmstrang was better suited for a Malfoy. But due to the shame that was brought upon the school due to the result of the Triwizard Tournament, my father decided to send me to Hogwarts.

So, here I stand, staring at the Slytherin common rooms that are supposed to be green. My stomach turns, and I have to look away for a moment. I wish I was normal... Or, no... Not normal. Rather, I wish I could just catch a glimpse of this color that everyone seems to love.

"Oh, hello."

I am startled out of my thoughts by the raspy voice of a girl, who peers through her dark bangs at me with eyes the color of an oncoming storm.

A smile twists my lips.


For a moment, she stays silent, her gaze drifting over my face.

"I'm Pansy. Pansy Parkinson." She states, and I quirk a brow.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Oh, you're new here, right?" She asks, and I nod. "Well, then, you must get to know the sixth year Slytherins. There are only a few that I can stand, really - the rest are absolute snobs. Hopefully you aren't a snob as well... It would be a shame, really, for somebody as handsome as you to be so rancid."

I startle at her words, and I blink rapidly, my jittery hands stilling.

"Well... I hope you don't think I'm rancid, then." I respond.

She chuckles, then proceeds to look around the room.

"So, for introductions... The two over there are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. They're okay, but, if you ask me, Vincent's kind of dull. The tall one next to them is Blaise Zabini, and he's my best friend. If you have any taste, you'd like him. The one sitting by the fireplace..." She continues on, naming each of the Slytherins in the room until she finally goes silent.

I lick my lips.

"Thanks for the introductions, Pansy.... Anyway, my schedule says I have to be in Potions in fifteen minutes. See you soon, I guess."

And, as quickly as I can, I flee the common room.


When I enter the classroom, I find everyone in their seats, listening to a dark haired professor speak. They all turn to look at me, and the professor raises his brows.

"Care to explain why you are late, Mister Malfoy?"

My eyes are glued to the ground.

"Sorry, I was getting myself acquainted with the rest of the Slytherins-"

The professor dismisses me with a wave of his hand, and I scurry to the closest empty seat, squeezing my eyes shut. He continues to speak.

"Anyway, we will be doing a project in which you will choose a potion from page 372 and create it to the best of your ability with the person you are sitting next to."

My eyes snap open.


"You may begin."

Everyone turns to their partners and begins to chatter, opening their books to the page the professor noted.

Slowly, I turn to mine.

His head is down, his dark, curly hair shielding his face as he furiously scribbles something onto a small piece of parchment.

I tap his shoulder, and he starts, catching my gaze-

We both gasp at the same time.

H-his eyes...

"Your eyes are blue." He blurts, and slaps a hand to his mouth.

I blink rapidly.

"A-and your's are green."

We stare at each other in silence, both of our eyes wide.

Oh, what a beautiful, bright color...

Quickly, I look down at my tie. Green. I look at the potions book. Green. I look at the vials in the front. Green. And I look back at his eyes. Green.

A gleeful smile spreading onto my ace, I turn back towards the boy, holding  a hand out. He grasps it eagerly, those gorgeous eyes shimmering with wonder.

"Who are you?" I ask softly, and he stares at me through a curtain of raven lashes.

"Harry." He whispers. "Harry Potter."

Don't worry, I will be updating Just a Dream soon! This idea just popped into my head suddenly, so... Sorry? :/

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