The Wrong Sort

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Description: After the war, all the seventh years who didn't finish their time at Hogwarts are invited back for another year, and Draco and Pansy happen to accidentally run into Harry on the train. (Draco and Harry's POV, based off of a headcanon)

Warnings: None

Song: Magnetic by Jessie J

Length: 1.1k words

Harry's POV

I smooth my curls, frowning.
Thanks to the spell I had cast on it a week earlier, a red the same color as Gryffindor red writhes within the ebony strands, but, currently, they are all bunched in one spot.
"Shit." I murmur.
I am standing alone in a compartment on the Hogwart's Express, desperate to avoid everyone's curious glances.
But, I don't blame them.
My hair is wild and curly, streaked with blood red. Dark eyeliner rims my eyes, while my usually blotchy skin is made clear with makeup. My shirt is blood red, slung loosely over gray jeans. My shoes are heeled, spiked boots, complimented with unseen black socks.
I decided, after the war, that I would spend some time alone, and, in doing so, discovered my feminine side and, well, how I didn't truly love Ginny.
When I confessed this to her, she only shrugged and told me she was in love with Luna anyway.
My lips thin.
Will Hermione and Ron judge me?
No, probably not.
After I had broken up with Ginny, seeing how happy his sister was, Ron still decided to question my decision.
I had only responded with, "Sorry, Ron, girls just aren't for me."
I could've sworn Hermione murmured "knew it" beneath her breath.
But, when I arrived at King's Cross, the only thing I found waiting for me was strange looks from everyone (and maybe a glance of admiration here and there)... No Hermione or Ron.
Sighing, I lean my head against the window and let myself drift to sleep.

Draco's POV

I look awful.
That is my immediate though as I catch myself in a reflection of a window set into the Hogwart's Express.
My hair, usually long and flowing, his tied back in a braid thanks to Pansy. My lavender shirt is ruffled, and the soft, pink flowers that grace my head are slightly crooked.
And, to make it even worse, thanks to Blaise's water mishap, I now have dark stains on my jeans shorts and knee high socks.
"C'mon, girly girl." Pansy complains, jerking her head towards her stuff.
Ever since I had let my feminine side show, Pansy had decided to refer to me as "girly girl", though, in truth, I still have no idea why that nickname was chosen.
"Fine." I sigh.

When we finally get into the train, I can see by just looking that most of the compartments are full, save for the one at the end, where an (adorable) guy sits fast asleep.
"C'mon, let's go in that one. There's only one person in it." I urge, nudging Pansy towards the compartment with the red and raven haired boy.
She smirks at me.
"You only want to go in there because of that cute boy."
"Shut up." I hiss.
She only chuckles, shoving the compartment door open.
The red and raven haired boy's trunks are placed on the benches across from him, and a carefully slip them under his bench, plucking a pocket mirror resting in his hand.
"Don't steal that." Pansy murmurs, sitting.
I snort.
"I'm not... It's just... This looks familiar."
And it does.
That nagging at the back of my mind irritates me, and though it screams at me that I've seen the mirror before, I place it back in the boy's hand.
I quickly sit down next to Pansy.
Out of the corner of my eye, I cab see her furrow her brows.
"What's wrong, Pans?"
"Nothing... He just looks familiar, doesn't he?"
He does.
I study the boy's face, the soft slope of his nose and his sharp cheekbones, his rose blossom lips and long lashes.
"Yeah. I bit." I respond.
We sit in silence for a moment before I let my gaze drift to the window, where scenery passes in a green and brown blur.
Eventually, I let my head knock against the window as I drift to sleep.

Harry's POV

I awake to a sneeze.
My eyes fly open, and I stare at the two people across from me.
One has a sheet of ebony hair covering her face, while the other has long, blonde hair and a flower crown covering their eyes.
When the raven haired girl looks up, I can't help but gasp.
"What the Hell are you doing in my compartment?" I murmur.
Pansy Parkinson grins, her gaze drifting to the blonde haired person lying next to her.
"The others were full." That was familiar. "And, anyway, my friend thought you were cute."
I study her friend, with their moonlight skin, high cheekbones, and cashmere lips.
"Who's your friend?"
She only smirks, choosing not to respond.
"You'll find out in a bit."
Both of us jumped as the blonde stretched, banging their head against the window before letting out a gasp.
"Merlin, Pans, why didn't you-"
Their words - or, shall I say, his words - were spoken with a voice as soft as honey and beautiful as a violin, and deathly familiar.
I blush furiously.
Draco whips his head up, his silver eyes sparking with surprise.
We stare at each other in silence, until our staring contest is disrupted by one of Pansy's signature barked laughs.
"Surprised, are you? I knew from the beginning."
Draco begins to sputter, obviously struggling to find words as I stare at both of them with utter confusion.
"You should get your robes on! We'll be at Hogwarts in a couple minutes." Pansy interrupts, shooting Draco an unreadable look before slipping out of the compartment.
Draco stares at me.
"Hey, Potter..."
Another moment of silence.
"I... I never thanked you for what you did for me during the Battle of Hogwarts, so I guess... I just... I want to say thank you, I suppose."
I can't help the smile that blossoms on my face.
"Not a problem. Truce?"
At that one word, he looks incredibly startled, pushing a wave of silver hair out of his eyes.
"... Truce?"
"So, you know, the other students don't think you're one of the bad sort?"
I hold out a hand, and he purses his lips, looking as if he's struggling not to laugh.
"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks."
We look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

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