I Hate You

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Description: Harry walks in on Draco doing something questionable in the Quidditch locker rooms after a game

Warnings: *lame* smut

Song: I Hate You, I Love You by Gnash and Olivia O'Brien

Notes: sorry for not posting *again*. Like I've said before, I've been really busy with work and shit like that so please don't fret if I start to post one oneshot per week :/

Length: 1.4k words

Harry's POV

My shoulder ached with the force of Malfoy and I's collision. At that moment, there had seemed to be total silence until that terrifying tranquility had been interrupted by Malfoy being thrown off his broom, his eyes wide with fear as he tumbled towards the ground. My stomach lurched as I recalled him hitting the grass, though only about fifteen feet below, having to hurt like Hell.

Before, Ginny would be by my side to place her fluttering kisses down my arms, and look up at me through those pretty rose lashes and purr to me that I would be okay. But she was, at that moment, with Luna instead, placing her butterfly lips to the other girl's cheek. I was not against their relationship at all, if that's what you're thinking - in fact, I was the one that set them up together. However, it would be nice to have someone's kisses against my feverish skin at that moment.

Struggling to ignore the pain, I slipped into the Quidditch locker room to rinse off, surprised to find one of the other showers already running. Usually, players would go back to their own common rooms to avoid having somebody accidentally naked, but most of the Hufflepuff players and I could not give less of a shit whether somebody saw below our waists or not.

I quickly undressed and stepped into one of the showers. As I turned it on, I was immediately met with a downpour of bitterly cold water that made me stumble back, startled, steadying myself on the towel rack outside.

"Shit," I blurted, and the person beside me gasped.

"Potter?" Their voice was quiet, soft, but not so much so that I couldn't tell it belonged to Draco Malfoy.

"Yeah? Just leaving," I mumbled, and reached quickly back into the shower to turn it off before stumbling away, throwing on my clothes and slipping out of the room.

God, how did Malfoy know who I was?

Then, suddenly, with a fire igniting in my cheeks, I realized I'd forgotten my glasses in my hurry to leave the locker room behind.

Swearing beneath my breath, I let out a large sigh and turned back towards the room, shoving open the door.

He was still in the shower, and judging from his silence, he clearly hadn't heard me open the door. I pressed my lips together and began to scan the room for my glasses. However, without them, I couldn't see a thing, and my stomach began to ache with the thought of approaching him in the showers.

Ignoring the emotion swirling in my stomach like a hurricane, I stepped towards the shower I had attempted to wash myself in - which was right next to his, may I add - and groped blindly from my glasses. However, I froze immediately as I heard a moan from the other shower.

Oh. Oh. So that was why Malfoy was in the dirty locker rooms alone, rather than succumbing to the temptations of what I assumed to be the posh Slytherin bathrooms or the prefects bathrooms. I swallowed thickly, and ignored him as I continued searching for my glasses. Merlin, it was difficult to ignore that....

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