The Violet Charm: Part One

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Description: Fred and George teach the Gryffindors a charm that attaches them to the person they have the most chemistry with for two days (Harry and Draco's POV)

Warnings: I'm not even going to do swear warnings anymore

Song: Issues by Julia Michaels

Length: 850 words

Harry's POV

I picked at the soft, worn cloth of the armchair, focused on a single string that drifted on an invisible breeze.
I jerked myself out of my thoughts, my eyes darting to Ron, who stood in front of me, his arms crossed.
"My brothers have gone ahead and done something stupid again. You better see this, though. It actually works this time." He responded, rolling his brown eyes.
Slightly confused, I stood, following him to the other side of the room where Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Fred, and George stood.
With ample surprise I realized that Seamus and Dean's hands were chained together by a metal, rope like string that shimmered purple.
"Ah, Harry, I'm guessing you want us to charm you?" George grinned, nudging his brother, who immediately smiled at me.
"Oh... Yeah, sure."
But what the Hell was I getting into?
"Okay, well, then.... Lemme explain what it is before you agree." Fred said. "The charm chains you to the person you have the most chemistry with in the school. Collin is already chained to some Hufflepuff girl, Dean and Seamus together-"
"I ship it." Hermione whispered, before letting Fred continue.
"-and Oliver with a Ravenclaw girl. So, you wanna try it?"
"Uh... Okay." I replied.
It wouldn't be so bad to be chained to Ginny, would it?
Immediately, George whipped out his wand and murmured a jumble of words under his breath.
I felt a jolt run through my body, and I looked at Ginny, expecting to be attached to her, but instead, my feet were bringing out of the common room.
Eyes widening, I tried to bring myself towards the group, who were staring at me with wide eyes, but I was yanked out of the common room by an invisible force.

Draco's POV

I leaned against the wall, staring at Pansy with mild disgust.
"Pansy, darling." I drawled, rolling me eyes. "I do not have a crush on Potter."
"You totally do." She giggled.
"What makes you think that? Why would I have a crush on my enemy? It's ridiculous."
"Because of the way you're absolutely obsessed with him."
"Bullshit." I snarled, and yanked myself away from her, storming down the hall.
And, suddenly, there was Potter, walking towards me with panic flaring in his emerald green eyes.
"Aww, Potter." I sneered, crossing my arms. "Who're you looking for, your mummy? Well guess what, she's dead."
But, my eyes widened as he stopped beside me, grasping my hand.
"Get off me!" I exclaimed, ignoring the tingles that spread up my arm like wildfire at his touch.
But he only looked at me with horror.
"No." He murmured, looking away. "This cannot be real. Absolutely not..."
"What are you rambling about, Potter? Just let go of me!"
But, when I looked down at our hands, a lump grew in my throat.
We were chained together?
"What sort of shit is this?" I barked.
He shrank away from me.
"Fred and George... A charm..."
I could hardly hear him.
"Speak louder, you blithering idiot!"
"A charm. George cast a charm on me that's supposed to attach the victim to the person they have the most chemistry with in the school." He whispered, flushing a cashmere pink.
I could feel the tips of my ears go scarlet.
I couldn't say anything else.
"Harry? Who're you..."
Ron burst around the corner, followed by a flushed Hermione and two wheezing boys with a violet ring around their wrists.
Sean and Deamus, was it?
No... Seamus and Dean.
With mild surprise I acknowledged the chain on their wrists, binding them together.
"What the Hell?"
Dean froze, causing Seamus to run forward and yank both of them to the ground.
They both stood, staring with confusion at Harry and I's bound wrists.
"Holy shit. I knew it." Ron said, smiling slightly as Hermione continued to stare in silence.
"Well..." She murmured, looking slightly daze. "I knew you had a crush on a bloke, Harry, but not this bloke."
Harry blushed furiously before shaking his head.
"No!" He gasped, taking a slight step forward. "I don't have a crush on Dra-Malfoy, are you insane?"
I felt my heart sink at that.
"Are you sure?" Hermione smirked, glancing down at our bound hands. "Because that charm-"
"Shut up!" I heard myself snarl, and Harry looked at me, startled, as both Hermione and Ron's faces twisted in something unreadable.
"Whatever." Ron murmured, shaking his head before leaving the corridor.
Dean and Seamus followed him, but Hermione stayed behind, struggling to keep her face from blooming into a smile.
"Knew it." She sang before chasing after everyone else.
Harry glanced at me, his face still tinged scarlet before quickly looking away.
"Well," He said, curling his hands into tight fists. "We only have two days like this. What do we do until then?"

Part two, anybody?

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