Unlikely Roommates: Part Three

353 21 3

Song: Bittersweet Tragedy by Melanie Martinez

Length: 800 words

Draco's POV

I clutch the rim of the toilet, my stomach heaving, my eyed blurring. Tears spill down my cheeks in rivulets that puddle onto the floor.

"No, no, no..." I whisper, my grip tightening. "Not him."

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it was a different symbol, different planets...

But I seriously doubt that.

As I think that thought, I retch, squeezing my eyes shut at the pain.

"Draco? What's wrong?" Harry calls, beating on the door.

I don't respond.

How could I, when I just discovered he's my soulmate?

"Dray, please!"

I still don't respond. That is, until he says this,

"Fine, I'm coming in there!"

Instead of sitting up and pleading for him not to like I should, I let my hands fall from the toilet, and rock back on the balls of my feet, sniffling.

I hear a spell of his hit the door with a bang, and it falls open, revealing Harry, whose chest is heaving.

His eyes widen.

"Oh Merlin, are you-"

I sway, fury spiking in my chest.

"Does it look like I'm okay? Does it?" I snap, and he falls silent.

"No." He says after a tense moment.

I shoot him a venomous glare, turning back to the toilet as I begin to quiver once more.

"Well, there you go."

Silence falls over the room.

I grab the rim of the toilet tightly, arching my neck.

"What's wrong?" He asks hesitantly, and when he puts a hand on my shoulder, I can't help but jerk violently.

"Nothing." I hiss. "Nothing at all."

"I don't believe you."

"Well, you should! If I say I'm okay, I am, got it?" I say quietly, and those burning tears fill my eyes once more.

"Oh, Dray..." He whispers, and I jump a bit when he engulfs me in a hug.

And, though I act as if I am repulsed, my body involuntarily leans into him.

"See? You're going to be okay." He says, and I flinch.

"No." I bark, and shove him from me. "I'm not. Don't you understand? This is something that can't be fixed. Ever."

"But what can't be fixed?"

He's testing my patience.

I stare at the wall, and don't react as he nudges me.

"Draco, please..." He says, his timbered voice hushed.

That finally makes me snap.

"You!" I burst, and he looks at me, obviously confused.


"You can't be fixed."

For a second, he looks hurt and stung, but his expression goes stony.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that dream you saw. The eye and the planets."

"Yeah, what about that?"

"What color were the planet?" I ask.

He's silent for a moment.

"I... Purple, red, and silver, I think."

My heart falls even further, and I retch into the toilet again.

Harry wraps me in his arms.

"Please." He begs. "Tell me what's wrong."

"This." I mumble, my throat raw from throwing up. "All of this."

"All of what?"

"Don't you get it? The dream."

"I still... I don't..." He frowns.

Shaking violently, I slowly raise my hand, pointing it at him.

When he sees the eye on my palm, he goes sheet white.

"Oh..." His words falter.

"Oh what?"

"That makes sense, I suppose."

I'm struck speechless.

It makes... Sense?

"How?" I croak.

His lips thin, and his gaze drifts from me to the wall, his expression unreadable.

"Us becoming roommates. Haven't you noticed? Ever so slowly, people are getting together with their roommates."

No. It can't be true.

"But it is." I mumble to myself, and he shoots me a quizzical look.

I wave him off, my arm shaking.

"Nothing. Never mind."

"You always say that. And it's never even true."

Once more, I am struck speechless.

How does somebody like him, a Hufflepuff, know so much about me, a Ravenclaw?

"You know, they're beautiful." I say suddenly, breaking the silence.

"What's beautiful?" He asks as he tightens his arms around me.

"Your eyes. Your lips. Just you in general, I suppose." I blurt, and immediately turn red. "I... I didn't..."

Harry silences my words with the press of his forefinger to my lips.

My blush deepens.

"No... That was sweet. You're beautiful too, you know."

This time, both of us are red.

I turn slightly to stare into his eyes, which are so wide and green, and I can't help but lean in slightly.

"Do you want to try it?" He breaths, sending chills down my spine as his breath brushes against my cheek.

"Try what?"

I'm absolutely enthralled.


And then, his lips are pressed against mine, and I am made only of shards of moonlight and liquid light.

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