Headcanon #5

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After they got married, Draco and Harry had four children (Idk how you think they had these children, be creative, whether you're thinking of surrogacy or mpreg). The first child they named James. He was a Gryffindor, and had Harry's black hair and Draco's blue-gray eyes. The second and third children - twins - they named Albus and Severus. Albus was a Slytherin, and Severus was a Hufflepuff, both having Harry's black curls and heterochromia (one eye blue, one eye green). Their fourth child they named Lily. She was a Ravenclaw, and had Draco's blonde hair and Harry's green eyes.

Ginny and Luna had three children. The first and second were twins named Lorcan and Lysander, Lysander being a Hufflepuff and Lorcan being a Ravenclaw. Both had Ginny's red hair, though Lorcan had Luna's blue eyes and Lysander had Ginny's green eyes. The third was a boy named Scorpius. He was a Slytherin, with a severe case of the hots for Albus Potter. He had Luna's blonde hair and blue eyes.

Pansy and Hermione had two children. The first they named Briar, who had Hermione's brown hair and Pansy's gray eyes. She was a Gryffindor. The second, they named Aster, who had Pansy's black hair and Hermione's brown eyes. He was a Ravenclaw.

Ron and Lavender also had two children, named Hugo and Mae. Hugo was a Gryffindor, and he had Ron's red hair and Lavender's brown eyes. Mae was a Slytherin, and she had Lavender's blonde hair and Ron's blue eyes.

Neville and Blaise only had one child. Her name was Lilum, and she was a Hufflepuff, her hair being Blaise's black and her eyes Neville's hazel.

Out of all the first generation couples, Seamus and Dean went the most over the top with children. They had seven children, all with some form of Seamus's brown hair and brown eyes and Dean's black hair and brown eyes. Their first child was Nevaeh, a Gryffindor, and their second was Jean, a Ravenclaw. The third was a Hufflepuff named Rosette, the fourth a Slytherin named Ari, the fifth another Slytherin named Evelin, the sixth a Gryffindor named Jonathon. Their youngest child was a girl named Avery, and she was in Hufflepuff.

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