Letters to the Menagerie

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Description: A series of letters from Draco to his friends and enemies, and a series of students' notes to Draco (third person)

Warnings: Dealing with suicidal thoughts/actions

Song: Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling and Lizzy Hale

Length: 1.1k words

Hello all readers, especially those who are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, especially those who had both the fortune and misfortune of knowing Draco Malfoy. On the morning July 31st, as many of you know - or perhaps don't - Mr. Malfoy was found at the bottom of the astronomy tower with the symptoms of what was presumably a self inflicted Cruciatus Curse. To attain information on why this horrific event would occur, we interviewed several students and faculty members, and searched the Slytherin common room. This series of letters was written by Draco Malfoy, about and/or addressed to specific people. If anybody knows who any of these individuals could be, please come forward to me or your Head of House.

Minerva McGonagall

Dear Otter,

Well, with you... I never need to pretend.

I suppose why this whole thing McGonagall is undoubtedly referring to as a "horrific event", you don't know, however. But, because you will know exactly what I'm referring to when I say these things, make sure to tell Stag what I have sent to you in this letter.

Spero. Or, more of that which I have lost. Not in any of my menagerie. Rather, I have lost it in everything else. My parents. This goddamn Hell of a school. My professors. My beliefs.

Sensum. Don't worry, not towards you, my little menagerie. However, everything else has lost color.

Diligitis. Not for you. Rather, for myself.


Dear Terrier,

Admittedly, I don't have much to say to you.

I don't mean that maliciously. Rather, I think during the small, emotional smile we shared tonight we exchanged more words than we ever could with our tongues.

The name Terrier for you holds much affection in my heart.

Oh, and please, do comfort Otter. Not that she's weak, but she's not as tough as she pretends to be... You are the only one I trust to truly take care of her the way she needs.


Dear Parrot,

You were there for me since the beginning. Since before we could even speak, really... Or, at least, before I could speak truly.

You protected me from my parents whenever I needed protection, no matter how much I denied you.

I regret denying you so often.

Maybe, just maybe... If I hadn't been so coarse and callous, I wouldn't have driven you away like I drove away everyone else.


Dear Fox,

You were here for me as long as Parrot has existed in my life.

I love both of you equally.

She protected me with my family. You? From the bullies that were invisible to all eyes but the menagerie's.

If anybody else is reading this letter....

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