Tally Marks

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Description: a soulmate AU based off of a tumblr post in which when you fall in love and that love is requited, you receive a black tally mark on your arm. If that love is unrequited, the mark is red. And, if your love dies, that tally mark turns into a scar.

Warnings: mentions of self harm

Song: Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara

Length: 1.3k words

Draco's POV

Ever since I could remember, I had had two red tally marks and one black tally mark on the inside of my left wrist. All around me, most people had one red mark and one black mark on their left arm, and a partner on their right. But I also had scars, and not from those dumbass tally marks.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Weaslette hanging off of Potter's arm. My fingers curled around the sleeve of my sweater so tightly my knuckles begin to ache until, until I noticed the Weaslette's eyes drifting away from Potter and towards a certain blonde Ravenclaw. A cruel and gleeful smile twisted my lips.

"What'ya grinning about?" a voice purred, and I felt a cold, familiar hand entwine itself in mine. I shot a smile at Pansy.


"Oh, come on. I know you lust after Golden Boy or whatever, but what do you have to be smiling so happily about?" She glanced around the room, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "There's not a new, cute Hufflepuff now, is there?"

I smacked her arm. "No! Merlin's beard, Pansy. Now, speaking of attractive people... I noticed you eyeing Granger in Potions."

At that, her eyes gree wide, and her grip on my hand tightened. "Oh, be quiet! I don't think anyone else has noticed. So shhh."

I flashed a grin. "The Weasel has definitely noticed, I'm telling you. He's been making those watery puppy dog eyes at her ever since he got what has to be his fourth red tally mark."

Pansy let out a barked laugh, and my stomach flipped as I recognized the hesitance in it. My lips thinning, I began to tug her towards the Great Hall, my mouth going dry as I realized Potter and the Weaslette were beside us.

"Ugh, those two are so gross," I whisper, jerking my head in the direction of Hinny.

Pansy scowled. "You're only saying that 'cause you're obsessed with Potter. I mean... They're sort of cute."

I let out a screech, and said a little too loudly, "Imagine that, but with Granger and the Weasel! How would you feel?"

"Shhh! Merlin's beard, Dray, shut the Hell up!" she hissed. But I continued, my voice raising.

"Don't just—you're so insensitive sometimes, y'know? This isn't just some dumbass crush, like you have on Granger. This is something serious, and I hate myself for it! There's a reason I-" I went silent.

Despite my public admittance of Pansy's lust for Granger, her voice was soft when she spoke. "Draco, what are you talking about?"


"Well, it clearly isn't nothing." By this time, we were sitting at the end of the Slytherin table, far away from anyone but Blaise, who sat down next to Pansy and *platonically* curled his arm around her waist.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice soft and smooth as satin.

Pansy avoided his gaze. "Nothing."

I quirked a brow at her, and slowly disentangled my grasp from her's, placing my hand on the table. "What did you say to me earlier, Pansy? Oh, right. It clearly isn't nothing."

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