Golden Eyes

350 14 11

Description: Because we must have yet another cliche Spin the Bottle Drarry oneshot (Harry's POV and third person)

Warnings: Underage drinking (I just realized I probably should have put this warning in many of my previous oneshots :/) and sexual harassment

Notes: Even though the DA is mentioned, this is actually placed in sixth year.

Song: Fetish by Selena Gomez

Length: 2.1k words

Harry's POV

There's something that Hermione - especially when she's drunk - enjoys saying: Spin the Bottle is nothing without a little bit of dirty truths and dares and a smidge of alcohol.

So, naturally, that was how the majority of Hermione's study group, the DA, the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams, and Snape's ten o'clock potion class ended up drinking rancid rum at two AM with a little green bottle spinning round and round.

So far, Dean and Seamus have already disappeared somewhere to make out while Ginny and Luna are who knows where, and a couple of giggling Hufflepuffs have stumbled off to "grab some grass from their stash in the kitchen", as they put it.

I'm surprised at how put together the game has gone - however, that's probably only due to how Pansy barks at anyone who screws around and how Hannah keeps on drunkenly cooing about how whoever gets the most kisses from Neville will automatically get to have a threesome with the both of them, despite Neville's protests.

Currently, only a couple of us are actually participating in the game while everyone else either is dancing without music, chugging down alcohol, making out with somebody they probably won't remember the name of in the morning, or drifting around the Room of Requirement like a lost ghost. My head is spinning, so the only people I actually recognize in the group are Pansy, Lavender, Hannah, Evan, Colin - who we have made sure drinks no alcohol - Ron, Neville, and a golden eyed boy named Jay I may or may not have made out with for a couple hours after Slughorn's Christmas party. The rest go past in a blur of blue, green, red, yellow, and black.

"Harry, it's your turn," Parvati - or, at least, somebody with long black hair - slurs, and I swallow, reaching down and spinning the bottle.

You see, the game is quite different than your average Spin the Bottle. This one, Hermione had called the Kiss or Tell, in which one person would spin the bottle, and whoever the bottle landed on would have to choose truth or dare. The catch was the question or dare had to be sexual in some way or another, and if the person didn't want to complete or answer it... They'd have to kiss the person that offered them the truth or dare in the first place.

I watch with my mind buzzing as the bottle slowly settles on an unknown Gryffindor, his eyes a sparkling gold I can see from across the circle.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Truth or dare."

"Truth." His voice is soft, delicate, but not the one I want to hear.

"Girls you've slept with?"



He made a soft noise, shaking his head.

"Only one question."


The invitation is there, but I don't take it, breaking eye contact with him o stare blankly at the floor.

Beside me, a Ravenclaw girl spins the bottle, and I lose myself in the sound of the music and the spin of the bottle.


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