The Second Task

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Description: What if, during the second task in the Triwizard Tournament, instead of finding Ron at the bottom of the lake, Harry found Draco? (Harry's POV, based on a headcanon, my own take on the second task)

Warnings: None

Song: In the Name of Love by Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix

Length: 1.1k words

Harry's POV

I shifted on the platform, swallowing thickly.

Would the gillyweed work?

My heart hammering, I glanced behind me, hoping to find Neville.

Ah. There.

"Hey, Neville?"

He turns to me.


"How long does gillyweed take to work?"

"Oh, you chose gillyweed for this? Well, you see-"

He was cut of by a loud banging noise, after which I was shoved into the water.

The lake water invaded my nostrils, and I gasped, struggling, but the gillyweed had still not taken ahold.


My heart hammering with terror, I struggled for the surface, only to have my lungs seize.

My hands, neck, and feet began to ache, and I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.

As I drifted further to the bottom of the lake, I tried desperately not to take a breath.

But this act was in vain.

I couldn't help but take a big gulp of the water, and, I found, when I did, instead of choking me, the water made me feel as if I could breathe.

My eyes snapped open.

When I looked down, I could see thin, green webbing stretching between my fingers and toes, creating things that resembled fins.

I grinned, and dove deeper.

Unlike before, the water seemed clear, and I could see the swaying plants below, along with the occasional darting fish. Silver writhed from within the dancing weeds, and, when I took a closer look, I felt chills crawl up my spine as I realized that silver was in fact mermaids.

They stared up at me with unblinking eyes, their squashed lips revealing needle-like fangs.

I shivered, swimming back.

They didn't follow.

I licked my teeth and scanned the area, desperate to find a form of a hint on what I was supposed to do.


Nothing at all.

Until, that is, Viktor Krum swam past me, his shark jaws hinged open.

I gasped, and swam out of his reach, watching as he swam towards the mermaids.

What was he doing?

I paddled closer to peer through the weeds, and when I did, my eyes widened, shocked by what I saw.

Beyond the sea forest, mermaids writhed, circling a small area of ropes.

And, attached to those ropes were people.

Hermione. Gabrielle. Cho. And... Malfoy?

A surge of hatred bubbled up within me, revealing itself on my face with a sneer.

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