How to Fight an Angry Princess: Part One

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Description: All his life, Prince Harry has been trained to save the mysterious princess hidden in a tower just beyond his kingdom. However, when the time comes to save what the people refer to as "Harry's Bride", Harry meets someone completely unexpected. (Harry's POV, AU)

Warnings: None

Song: You Should See Me in a Crown by Billie Eilish

Length: 1.1k words

Harry's POV

All my life, I have been trained to save a mysterious princess that is meant to be mine.
But, as it happens, I don't want her to be mine... Girls just aren't for me.
But my trainer, Dumbledore, obviously doesn't care, as he trains me during the day before dumping me with the awful king and queen.
Currently, I dangle my legs off of a low bridge, staring at my wavering reflection in the water.
I whip my head to the left.
Luna of House Raven stares at me from beyond the bridge, her hair let loose in the typical style of a single.
Yet she is not single.
For at her side stands Ginny of House Gryffin, who she has been betrothed to since she was young.
Luckily, they love each other... But I do not love my betrothed, the mysterious princess of house Slyther.
House Slyther has an awful reputation; they have always been know to breed Reapers, those responsible for taking the lives of those destined to die.
Each house has a reputation of sorts.
House Huffle, for breeding Healers and Priests, House Gryffin, for breeding Warriors and Royalty, House Raven, for breeding Scholars and Artists, and House Slyther, for breeding Reapers and Adventurers.
The current rulers, however, are Houseless, and mocked by the rest of society.
"Yes?" I murmur.
She smiles, approaching me.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"What are you talking about?" I ask, and Ginny nudges Luna's arm with a small sigh.
"Luna, you weren't supposed to say anything... Minerva McGonagall of House Gryffin was supposed to tell him, not someone that doesn't even belong to his house." She says.
I stare at them with confusion.
"Tell me what?"
Luna only smiles and shakes her head, while Ginny shoots an apologetic smile in my direction.
"Sorry, Harry." She whispers, and they clasp hands, walking across the bridge to House Slyther territory.
House Slyther territory, where House Slyther's infamous princess lays in wait for her prince.
Her prince, meaning me.
I swallow thickly and stand, quickly walking in the opposite direction from House Slyther into House Gryffin.
As I break the barrier, a flurry of scents and noise hits me.
Laughter, loud and clear as a bell.
The smell of roses, crisp and sweet and slightly sickening.
Roasting meat, curtesy of the loud festival across the path.
Honeysuckle, spread across the side of the dirt road.
Immediately, I catch the gaze of Pansy Parkinson, a Traveller from House Slyther.
"Harry!" She calls, and runs towards me, grasping my arm with a terrifyingly tight grip.
Originally, she was the guard of the princess of House Slyther - who she refuses to talk about. But, after a mysterious argument she only mentions occasionally, she fled to House Gryffin's territory as a Traveller.
But, sometimes, she travels back to House Slyther territory.
I still have no idea why.
"Hey, Pansy." I chuckle.
She grins, showcasing her pearly white teeth that rival mine.
"I want to say good luck, for the thing tomorrow."
Again, the thing with tomorrow.
"Uh... What?"
"Yeah, you know, the thing?"
She lowers her voice, as if she's speaking about a venomous topic.
"I... I don't know what you're talking about." I confess, and she slaps her hand over her mouth.
"The head of your house didn't tell you that, did she?" She asks softly, and, hesitantly, I shake my head.
She smiles sadly.
"Well, it isn't my job to tell you."
She's gone before I can even counter her statement.

Everything is cold.
The sheets beneath me are rough, like sandpaper, yet like liquid all the same.
A cool breeze lifts a piece of hair off of my cheek.
I open my eyes, wincing as the firelight stings my eyes.
No one answers.
With chills crawling down my spine, I sit up, clinging to the sheets with clenched fingers.
Slowly, I stand, surveying the room.
The only other things placed on the stone floor other than the bed are a bucket, a chair, and a vanity.
Immediately, I am drawn to the vanity.
I take a careful step forward.
It is made of dark wood, appearing so delicate yet obviously strong. And, judging by the tarnished mirror and broken drawers, it is quite old.
Placed on it are only two things; a yellowed, wrinkled piece of paper and a flickering wax candle.
I grab the candle and hold it towards the paper so I can better see the ink.
What I read chills me to the bone.
Don't come and find me.

I awake with a strangled gasp, my hands tangled in my silk covers.
The room is dark, so unlike the one in my dream.
But was that even a dream?
With that chilling thought, I roll out of bed and peer out the window.
The moon is in the shape of a leering smile, silver and shining pure white.
I turn and creep towards my bedroom door.
When I shove it open, I am met with golden firelight and silence.
I take a hesitant step into the hall, turning left towards my study.
When I finally reach it, I still.
There are people inside.
"I'll go wake him..."
Somebody opens the door, causing me to jump back with a gasp.
Dumbledore's eyes widen.
"Oh, hello, Harry. I was just coming to find you." He says with a smile.
I purse my lips and walk past him into the study.
Inside, Minerva and Severus sit on the floor, discussing something in hushed voices.
They freeze when they see me.
I turn towards Minerva, my eyes smoldering dangerously.
"What is the Head of House Slyther doing here?" I ask, and she stands, scowling.
"He's here to discuss you and the princess of House Slyther's predicament."
My anger dissipates.
"Uh, what?"
She smiles warmly.
"Today, Harry, you will be going to save the princess of House Slyther from her tower."

Part Two?

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