Unlikely Roommates: Part Two

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Description: Years later, and Draco and Harry are still roommates... Only that. However, a class of charms may change that all.

Warnings: None

Song: Young Gods by Halsey

Length: 1.4k words

Harry's POV

Draco and I have been roommates for seven years. It is our eighth year, and we lay facing each other, caught in a staring contest.

In the past years, too much as gone on.

In first year; finding the Philosopher's Stone with Ron's chess skills, Hermione's herbology knowledge, Draco's potions knowledge, and my own knowledge regarding flight.

In second year; discovering the Chamber of Secrets, being suspicious of Pansy Parkinson - who, ironically, is now Hermione's girlfriend - Ginny's kidnapping, and Hermione's petrification. Draco helped loads with that; he was the one who found the paper in her grasp.

In third year; going back in time to save Buckbeak, laughing as we finally began to fight back against Vincent and Gregory's bullying, and saving Sirius.

In fourth year; the Triwizard tournament, the return of Voldemort, and my boyfriend, Cedric's, death.

In fifth year; discovering the Room of Requirements, that terrible kiss with Cho, Draco's offer to spy for the Order, establishing the DA, and Sirius's death.

In sixth year; the realization that Snape was the Half Blood Prince, confronting Slughorn about Tom Riddle, finding the first Horcrux (which turned out to be false), and Dumbledore's death.

And, finally, the dreaded seventh year; the war, killing Voldemort, saving a sobbing Draco and Blaise from the fire in the Room of Requirements, finding and destroying the other Horcruxes, and Remus, Tonks, Fred, Hedwig, and Professor Moody's deaths.

Just thinking of seventh year sends unpleasant chills down my spine.

I miss them all.

"Harry?" Draco whispers, his eyes wide.


"You look so...Sad."

Lately, Draco had been pointing out things about myself that even I haven't noticed.

"I'm okay." I sigh, and break our eye contact, turning onto my other side.

I can't watch him for too long without feeling that ever so familiar spike of pain.


Draco's POV

"Dray, you okay?" Hermione asks, nudging me, her smile faltering.

I shrug.

Though our beliefs have always clashed, she and I are surprisingly close, bound by difference.

Her brow crinkles.

"Are you sure?"

When I nod distractedly, she turns away, but places her hand gently on my shoulder.

And, as quietly as I can, I whisper,

"I am not okay."

But she doesn't hear me.

She never truly does.


As I wander through the halls, my mind is on one person.

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