Spices and Lilies: Part One

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Description: Draco is given Amortentia as a prank. (Harry and Draco's POV)

Warnings: None

Song: Is This Love by Corinne Bailey Rae

Length: 1.6k words

Draco's POV

I took a delicate sip of my pumpkin juice, quirking a brow as Pansy abruptly burst into laughter.
"What?" I asked, and she only snorted, her eyes sparkling.
Her words were broken up by giggles.
I furrowed my brow, and took another swig of my pumpkin juice, thus causing Pansy to laugh once more.
I slammed the mug down on the table.
"Why are you laughing?" I snapped, and Pansy shot a look at Blaise, who struggled to hide his own amusement.
I turned to the dark skinned boy.
"Well? What is it?"
Instead of answering the question, Blaise managed to choke,
"Good luck today."
Both Pansy and Blaise laughed hysterically, tears spilling from their eyes as they watched my face burn a brilliant red.
"You guys are so embarrassing." I hissed, and stood, storming out of the great hall.

Harry's POV

I watched, stunned, as Draco burst out of the great hall, the bridge of his nose scarlet.
Ron laughed beside me, gripping his pumpkin juice.
"He probably asked Pansy out and she declined him." He snorted, and for some reason, I felt a pang of jealousy.
What was that about?
Ignoring my uneasiness, I focused on the water in my mug.
"Harry? You okay?"
I whipped my head up.
Hermione's eyes sparked with concern, and I offered up a smile as reassurance.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."
"You're never just thinking." Ron pointed out, and Hermione nodded.
"Harry..." She murmured. "You would tell us if anything was going on, right?"
My face suddenly felt uncomfortably hot.
"Of course I would!" I burst, startling the people around us.
Ron and Hermione shared a skeptical look.
"Uh... You don't sound so sure." Ron said.
Hermione shot him an exasperated look as I stood.
"I think I need to go." I choked, and fled the great hall, one question running through my mind on repeat.
Why did I feel as if I needed to tell them something?

The Slytherins and Gryffindors flooded into the classroom, their eyes all focused on the ground.
Nobody wanted to have the bad luck of being locked in a staring contest with Snape.
Hermione immediately latched onto Ron, and Blaise onto Pansy, forcing Draco and I together.
As he looked at me, Draco wrinkled his nose.
"Oh, Merlin." He snorted. "This is bloody ridiculous. Out of all the people I could've ended up with, it had to be you."
I searched the room out of the corner of my eye.
"Malfoy, you could go get another partner."
That, was in fact, true.
Millicent Bulstrode and Neville Longbottom were warily eyeing each other, obviously not keen on being partnered together.
Draco snorted.
"Well, at least if I have you, I'll have someone as my partner that's decent at listening to directions. Longbottom doesn't have a steady hand, and Millicent hardly speaks English."
How odd, I couldn't help but muse.
I had thought for a long time that Draco would take anyone over me. Perhaps not, then.
We all sat down at our stations, and Snape cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the class.
"Today you will be making - and studying - an illegal potion." He murmured, and Hermione gasped, her hand shooting up in the air.
Snape quirked a brow.
"Yes, Miss Granger?"
"But... We aren't allowed to make illegal potions!" She blurted, and Snape laughed humorlessly.
"Are you in charge of this class?"
Hermione shook her head hesitantly.
"Then keep your mouth shut."
I could see Ron's jaw tighten from across the room, but Hermione placed a soothing hand on his back, thus calming him.
"Anyway, does anybody know what Amortentia is?"
To my surprise, Draco raised his hand.
"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?"
"Amortentia is a love - or shall I say infatuation - potion that smells unique based on what attracts a person."
"Very good. Now, Amortentia is what you will be making. And, one of you will be testing it."
Cries echoed throughout the room.
Snape only smirked, shaking his head.
"I have the cure on my desk, so nobody will get seriously hurt."
The professor shot an unreadable look at Neville, who paled significantly.
"And, only if I deem the potion safe will you be able to drink it. You will stay in this dungeon until you get it right."
Once more, cries echoed out through the classroom.
"Silence!" Snape bellowed.
A restless quiet fell over the room.
The professor then cleared his throat, his gaze drifting to the desks.
"Open your textbooks to page five hundred and fifty nine. And... You may begin."
Immediately, Draco stood, his textbook in his hands.
"You prepare the cauldron and supplies. I'll get the ingredients." He ordered, and my heart fluttered at his tone.
What the Hell?
Ignoring the sensation, I jerked my head as a nod, and turned away.
My heart beat erratically in my chest as I carefully took out the materials and cauldron.
"Well? Are you ready?"
I looked up.
Draco looked down at me, his arms full of ingredients I didn't recognize.
My mind went blank.
"I, uh..."
"Well, spit it out."
I blinked rapidly.
"Never mind. Yeah, I'm done."
And, at those words, he leaned across me, reaching over to place the ingredients on the table.
I caught a whiff of something on his robe.
I wrinkled my nose.
"Merlin, Malfoy, why do you always put on so much cologne?" I said.
His eyes sparked with anger.
"I don't put on that much, you dolt!"
And he jerked away from me.
I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as he turned away, sifting through the ingredients.
"Can you just... Crush this?" He mumbled, and tossed a strange plant in my direction.
My heart stuttered, and I quickly averted my eyes as he bent down to pick something up that had fallen.
What was wrong with me?
And, I set to crushing the plant, my face permanently stained red.

Draco's POV

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Harry blushed, his eyes glued to the plant I had placed before him.
What was up with him?
Did he.. Did he like someone?
At that, envy made my vision go red, and I focused completely on placing things in the cauldron.
Relax, Draco.

Eventually, the air was filled with multiple scents, some of which were the delightful, the others... Not so much.
I jumped as Snape came up in front of Harry and I.
"Almost done, I see." He said, eyeing the purple filled cauldron in front of me.
I smiled smugly.
"Thank you, professor."
When he drifted away, I glanced at Harry, whose eyes were on the ceiling, his hands still for once.
"Potter!" I snapped, and he jerked, turning his eyes to me.
Those beautiful eyes...
I forcefully shoved that thought to the back of my mind and held out a hand.
"The rose petals, please."
For a moment, he looked disappointed, but his expression then went blank.
"Yeah... Okay."
He handed me a vial of crushed pink rose petals, which I promptly dumped into the cauldron.
The lavender mixture flashed pink.
"There," I said, smirking. "It's done."
"Good job. It's obviously good." Snape said from behind us, and Harry jumped, his eyes wide.
"Thank you." I mumbled, and turned back to the potion.
"Potter, can you get a vial and a coin?"
Confusion flashed in his emerald eyes.
"Oh... Okay."
A moment later, he returned with a small, glass vial and a copper coin.
I took the vial from him and filled it with Amortentia before placing it on the table.
"Flip the coin. I call heads." I said.
Biting his lip *seductively*, he flipped the coin, and it landed on the table... Tails up.
"Shit." I murmured, and Harry grinned.
Right as I grabbed the vial, however, he grabbed my wrist, and tingles spread up my arm.
"Wait." He said. "I want to... I want to see how the Amortentia smells."
At that moment I was silent.
"Um... Okay." I responded.
He leaned forward and took a big whiff, closing his eyes.
"Vanilla." He said automatically. "And paper. Broom polish, too. But also..." His nostrils flared. "Lilies?"
At that word, his eyes snapped open, and he whipped his head away from the concoction.
I watched him curiously.
"What was that about?"
He shook his head and whispered,
"Nothing. You should smell it, too."
And, so, I did.
I leaned forward, and inhaled the fumes of the potion, entranced.
"Polish. And spices." I said, and I could almost feel Harry frowning. "Old books, too."
That was baffling.
Why spices?
Furrowing my brow, I pulled away from the concoction, and grasped the vial.
"Bottoms up." I mumbled, and downed the drink in one, fluid motion.
I blinked.
And blinked.
And blinked.
"I don't feel any different." I said quietly, and Harry shot me a quizzical look.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I don't feel a thing."
We stood there in silence for a moment before I called,
"Professor Snape!"
The black haired professor glanced at us, and he frowned, standing.
"The Amortentia didn't work."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I don't feel any different."
Snape paled visibly, and Hermione, all the way across the room, went still.
Snape blinked rapidly.
"Merlin's beard." He mumbled, and waved a hand in our general direction.
"You two may leave."
And so, plagued with confusion, we did.

Part two?

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