Lost Boy

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Description: This short story describes Draco's relationship with his friends and Harry in the form of song lyrics (Draco's POV)

Warnings: Suicidal thoughts

Song: Lost Boy by Ruth B

Length: 2.1k words


Draco's POV

There was a time
When I was alone
Nowhere to go and
No place to call home

I squeezed mg eyes shut, grasping the edge of the sink so tightly the porcelain was painful against my skin.
The mirror in front of me was wet with the steam that hovered above the bath.
I wanted to go into the water, so desperately, just to hold myself under until the water filled my lungs....
But I couldn't.
For there was something, someone, just one thing worth living for.

My only friend
Was the man in the moon
And even sometimes
He would go away too

I blinked slowly at Pansy, taking in the sourness of her expression.
"Pans...?" My words faltered.
"What?" She snapped, and whipped her head towards Hogsmeade, her eyes on Blaise.
"I thought you said we were going to hang out today." I said testily, and she snorted, turning fully away.
"Yeah, well, I'd rather hang out with Blaise right now. He's my best friend, okay? Not that you aren't, but.... You're only, like, my second best friend."
And, with her head inclined towards the ground, she took a step towards Blaise.
I grasped her wrist and scowled.
"You can't just say that." I said.
"Say what?"
"That you basically like Blaise more than me."
At that, her face softened.
"No, that's not it at all... It's just... I want to hang out with him today, okay? I'll talk to you tomorrow."
She yanked her hand out of mine and ran off, not once looking back.
For a moment, I just stood there, staring after her.
But in the end, I walked away.
Just like her.

Then one night
As I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me
With the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted
To talk for awhile

I pressed my back against the wall and slid down to the floor, tears burning my eyes. Around me, the corridor was silent, still, dead in the midst of night.
I kept my head down.
At that, my gaze drifted from the floor to him, just standing there.
"What?" I hissed.
"Why.... Why are you on the floor?"
My lips thinned, and I stayed silent, squeezing my eyes shut as I curled further into myself.
I felt him sit beside me.
"What happened?" He asked.
I shrugged, and opened my eyes, shocked to find his face painted with a honey sweet smile.
Words were unable to escape my lips.
"I.... Uh..." I found my words. "Nothing. Why are you even here?"
To my surprise, he slowly grabbed my hand, his face going red.
"I just want to talk."

He said, Peter Pan
That's what they call me
I promise that
You'll never be lonely

I blinked slowly.
"Talk about what?"
"I dunno... Stuff."
"Just stuff?"
"Yeah. Anything."
"Pansy. Pansy happened."
"She ditched me for Blaise after saying I'm not as important to her."
"Oh, Merlin... That's awful."
"I know."
"Do you want to hang out with me sometime?"
The question was so sudden I startled, whipping my head towards him with a surprised gasp.
"What? Really?"
"Yeah. You look like you need company."
"That's just the nice way of saying I look pathetic."
"No... You don't look pathetic."
"You only look lonely. But..."
"But what?"
"I can fix that."

And ever since that day
I am a lost boy
From Neverland

I was lost in what everyone referred to as friendship. But, in reality, it was way more than that.
Nobody knew that every night, Harry and I met up just to talk.
Nobody knew that on those nights, sometimes conversations would lead to kissing.
Nobody knew that we most often did more than kiss.
And I was lost in the secrecy of it all.

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