Unfortunate Truths and Dares

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Description: The Slytherins and Gryffindors play Truth or Dare, and Draco is forced to answer some very unfortunate questions. (Draco's POV and Third Person)

Warnings: Swearing (as with every single one of these oneshots)

Song: Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez

Length: 850 words

Draco's POV

I knot my hands together, staring at a certain raven haired Gryffindor.
"Hey, Draaaaco." Pansy purrs, sitting beside me.
Inwardly, I groan.
I know exactly what she's going to say even before she says it.
"So, you thinking bout' Harry again?"
It was a mistake to tell her who I liked.
"Ha. Knew it. Anyway, d'ya want to play Paranoia with the rest of us? It's gonna be fuuuun...."
"Fine." I snap, mostly to prevent her from bothering me.
She squeals, clapping her hands together.
"Awesome. C'mon." She says, and I stand, following her to a group of people at the center of the room.
Silently, as I sit, I note everyone in the group.
Ron. Hermione. Luna. Neville. Blaise. Millicent. Pansy. Cho. Ginny. Lavender. Goyle. And, of course, Harry.
"So," Pansy chirps, clapping her hands together once. "who wants to go first? Dragon, you have to say the answer aloud, goblet, you stay silent."
Hermione raises her hand.
"I will."
Then, after Pansy hands her a two faced coin (with a dragon on one side and a goblet on the other), she leans over to Ron and whispers something into his ear.
He immediately flushes red.
When he flips the coin, it lands on goblet, and he immediately relaxes before leaning over to Luna and whispering something in her ear.
Once she is asked, she frowns, shooting an apologetic glance in Goyle's direction.
"Sorry, Goyle."
When she flips the coin, it lands on dragon.
"The question was, who is your least favorite person in the group."
Goyle frowns at her.
"Well, thanks."
"Oh, I have nothing against you, it's just that I had to choose somebody."
She then leans over to Ginny, and my mind wanders....
I jerk myself away from my thoughts.
"If you had to snog anybody in the group, who would you snog?"
I then realize Pansy is whispering in my ear.
I keep a straight face, but, inside, I'm a blushing mess.
I flip the coin.
I relax, whispering in Neville's ear, who sits beside me.
"Cutest girl?"
When Neville flips the coin, it lands on goblet, and he smiles hesitantly before whispering a question to Harry.
Immediately, the emerald eyed boy blushes furiously, refusing to meet anybody's gaze.
When he flips the coin, it lands on goblet, and I can't help but feel a pain of disappointment before I sink back into my thoughts.

"Guys, let's play Truth or Dare instead." Pansy suddenly says after she is asked a question.
Most people nod hesitantly, and I knot my hands in my lap with a frown.
Did she just not want to answer Ginny's question or....?
"Draco, truth or dare?" Pansy chirps, and I scowl, not wanting to answer any question regarding Harry.
"Go spend thirty minutes in a closet with Harry."
Immediately, everyone goes silent.
I flush scarlet as I stand.
"Well, c'mon, Potter." I snap, stalking towards the broom closet on the other side of the room. "Let's get this over with."
Looking hesitant, Harry stands, following me into the closet as everyone from the group trails after us.
Pansy grins wildly before shoving us into the now open closet before shutting the door.
"Good luck, you two!" She calls through the wood, and I scowl in the darkness, leaning against the shelves.
Through the pitch black, I can see Harry's silhouette.
"So...." I murmur.
"What is Pansy's problem? She's so irritating, isn't she?"
I can see - and feel - him looking at me.
"But she's your best friend...?"
"Maybe, but she can be an annoying bitch sometimes."
I smile to myself as he chuckles.
"Yeah. I suppose."
For a couple moments, we're silent before he speaks.
"So, I suppose they want us to kiss."
Immediately, I go still.
"Yeah.... I guess."
".... Do you want to?"
I don't respond, my face heating.
Do I?
Yes. Very much.
"O-okay." I manage to stammer, and gasp as Harry suddenly presses his lips against mine.
His hands grasp my hair, and my fingers are pressed into his hips, which move against me.
Oh, Merlin......
"Why?" I gasp, groaning slightly as his lips move to my throat.
The vibrations of his voice rumble through my body, making me shiver.
"Why would you kiss me?"
His lips travel lower as he speaks.
"Because I've wanted to for forever."
My next words are swallowed up by his soft, warm lips and his body moving against mine.

Third Person

"Okay, you two! Time to-"
Everyone's gasps interrupt Pansy's words.
Gryffindors turn away in disgust while Hufflepuffs coo, Ravenclaws stare in surprise and Slytherins smirk knowingly.
Pansy gapes at the kissing boys, her face heating up as she turns away.
But her painted lips are twisted into a grin.
"Knew it." She whispers, and closes the closet door to leave the couple by themselves.

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