Of Darkness and Stars

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Description: a mermaid AU in which Draco and Harry, two mermen from completely different corners of the sea, meet once more under unlikely circumstances (Harry's POV)

Warnings: none

Notes: Don't worry, I'm working on the Durmstrang!Harry and Beauxbatons!Draco AU. And is it just me or I do oneshots in Harry's POV way too often?

Song: Water by Jack Garratt

Length: 1.9k words

Harry's POV

They say that House Olisthima and House Grypas differ so greatly, it's no wonder why the two got opposite sides of the sea after the war. House Fouska and House Dankana were the more peaceful ones, and settled with the rivers and lakes, whereas the current rulers of the other houses - Albus Grypas and Gellert Olisthima - battled for the Southern Realm.

House Grypas ended up seizing control of the Southern Realm, however, after Albus defeated Gellert in a duel.

Now, enough about the history of the four main houses.

My name is Harry. Harry Potter by birth, actually, but now that I am apprenticed to the current queen, Minerva Grypas, I have sacrificed that name so that I may one day take the name of Grypas.

The first day Minerva approached me about working as her apprentice, I was quite shocked. After all, I was only a mediocre student at her academy - not to mention my tail color.

Now, in the Southern Realm, we don't look down upon different shades of tail - my best friend, another apprentice of Minerva, Hermione, has a tail such a deep red that it looks black, while my other best friend, Ron, has a tail the color of white gold. But I'm different.

Though I am the son of two renowned members of House Grypas, when I was young, the current ruler of the Northern Realm, Tom Olisthima, attacked me, thus doing something what we merfolk referred to as "marking". When the dark magic invaded my body, it left me permanently stained. Now, my tail and skin were the deepest black, threaded with silver and green.

"Olisthima child," people like to hiss as I pass by, and I know they're right.

I am of Olisthima blood, now. All thanks to Tom Olisthima.


Across from me, the Dankana child shuffles, the deep bronze of her scales and skin flashing in the light.

"Cho," I say carefully, drumming my claws against the table. "You're still the apprentice of the Gray Lady, correct?"

The black haired mermaid's harsh laugh startles me.

"Me, apprentice of the Gray Lady? No. Talk to Luna Dankana about that."

My surprise must've shown on my face, because she laughed again, baring her silver fangs.

"Yeah, there's a new Dankana ruling. The Gray Lady has disappeared. Happy? You've driven away our only sane ruler," she seethes.

I think back to Luna.

"Luna's sane. She's just different." That came our wrong.

"Yeah. Different. Anyway, I need to go. You have a meeting with House Fouska's new ruler, am I correct?"

I nod slowly, and she continues talking. "Well, then, I better be going. Give my wishes to Minerva Grypas, yes?" She flashes a dangerous smile. "Tom Olisthima says hello."

I watch, unable to move as the Dankana child, no, Olisthima child - grins, and their bronze scales and skin are overlapped by a sparkling silver, one so pale it seems white.

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