How to Fight an Angry Princess: Part Three

408 24 4

Song: King of the Clouds by Panic! At the Disco

Length: 700 words

Harry's POV

I can only stare up at the boy, my mouth agape, my eyes wide.

His eyes flicker with annoyance.

"Well, c'mon. Didn't you hear what I said, or are you deaf?"

I can't conjure any words. For the person in front of me is so beautiful, the impersonation of starlight and moonlight and pale purple blossoms...

He rolls his lavender eyes with a small, exaggerated sigh.

"Of course my promised prince would be an utter idiot. Pansy told me you were so brave, and so smart, and so gorgeous, but I have yet to see anything but stupidity from you."

I can't help but let out a hoarse, pain filled laugh as I roll into a seating position.

"Well, thanks. That totally makes me want to save you from this goddamn dragon and tower." I say.

The boy purses his lips, but stays silent.

Sighing, I move to stand, but I blinding, terrible pain spikes in my side.

I cry out, stumbling to the ground.

I groan and curl in on myself.

Though I'm desperate to see the boy's reaction, my eyed seem to be glued shut, and the rapid pounding of my heart drowns out all noise.

I let out a groan as somebody touches my arm.

"Oh... Sorry."

The boy's voice is soft, so unlike the shattered glass words he used just a moment before.

"Stop. Let go." I croak, and almost as if I am poison, he yanks his fingers away from my elbow.

I blink rapidly as the pain clears.

When I finally can move without crumbling in on myself, I grip the rugs on the floor, wanting so desperately to stand but unable to.

I swallow thickly.

The boy now grips my shoulder, his lavender eyes wide, rosebud lips parted.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly.

I can't breathe, nor speak.

My breath comes out in shuddering gasps, and my side throbs terribly.

He bites his bottom lip, though, as if he doesn't know what to do, he only sits beside me, sighing deeply.

"I don't know what to do in these sort of situations." He confesses, his gaze drifting down to my hip.

I look down as well and gasp.

My white blouse has been burned away, revealing caramel skin that has been scorched an angry red and black.

I whimper, and his grip on my upper arm tightens, sending spikes of pain down my arm.

I yelp.

He rips his hand away, his eyes sparking with fright.

"Sorry!" He cries, and I squeeze my eyes shut, murmuring an incantation under my breath.

When I open my eyes, he's staring at me curiously.

"What was that?"

I can't help but laugh hoarsely.

"What? You've never heard an incantation before?"

His face flushes scarlet.

"I... I can't say that I have."

I don't respond, and instead turn away with a small smile.

I can hear the scowl in his voice.

"What? You think that's funny?"

"Yeah. A bit."

I wince as he slaps my arm.

"Shut up! Shut up, you blithering idiot!"

Despite my pain, I can't help but snigger.

"You really are just a princess, eh?"

And, at that moment, the incantation takes affect, whisking us out of the tower with a loud bang.

• • •

House Gryffin territory appears in front of us, blurry and distorted for a couple moments before it clears.

The boy rips himself away from me with a gargled gasp.

"What the fuck was that?" He spits, narrowing his eyes.

I smile, though nauseated with pain.

"An incantation... I already told you."

But, at that moment, he looks away from me, suddenly captured by the beautiful red and gold blossoms and festivity of House Gryffin.

"Holy shit." He whispers. "Am I truly out of that goddamn tower?"

I smile from the ground.

"Yes. You are."

He then crouches down beside me, his eyes sparkling with unrestrained joy.

"Thank you." He mumbles, leaning close to me.

My breath hitches.

He's so beautiful.

He continues. "Thank you so much for freeing me. I... I'm Prince Draco, by the way. I take it your Prince Harry." When I nod, he smiles. "And... F-for your bravery, I... I just..."

Instead of continuing, he mashes his lips onto mine. I relax into the kiss, and when he slips his tongue into my mouth, I can't help but melt.

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