Headcanon #4

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Not everyone got away from the war untouched, especially Draco and Harry. Hermione always flinches whenever she hears water lapping against stone, and will yelp whenever she scratches her arm. Ron hates the dark, and has to sleep with a light by his bed. Neville can't stand the sight of blood anymore, just catching sight of it making him nauseated and faint. He's also deathly afraid of snakes - whenever Harry speaks Parseltongue in his sleep, he squeezes his eyes shut, puts a pillow over his ears, and sings himself to sleep. Lavender can't look at herself in the mirror, and cries out whenever a dog goes near her. Dean has to always have Seamus in sight, and same goes for Seamus, so the two are never seen far apart and even refuse to be placed in separate classes. Pansy will start to cry if somebody shuts off the lights suddenly, and Blaise panics whenever he's alone. Ginny shakes whenever she tries to cast a defensive or offensive spell, and Cho freezes up if she hears one of the first years jokingly say, Abracadabra. The worst reactions, however, are Draco and Harry. If somebody's failed spell causes a flash of green light, Harry will have a panic attack, and nobody can calm him down except for Ginny, Draco, Hermione, and Ron. Draco can no longer go inside his own home without panicking, and Harry refuses to go anywhere near any type of forest. Both have horrible nightmares, and can only be calmed down by the other. Other times, they'll have random panic attacks or will suddenly leave class to cry, only to be soothed by their counterpart. And Harry hates to speak Parselmouth, and the only time he can bear to use it is when he whispers it to Draco to help him sleep.

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