I Have To

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Description: Draco and Harry's diary openings in the Goblet of Fire (Draco's POV is in italics, Harry's is bold).

Warnings: None

Length: 400 words

Dear Diary,
Merlin, this is stupid.

Dear Diary,
What am I, five?
Obviously, I decided to pull out my journal from first year, rename it a diary, and sacrifice my dignity just to release my pent up... Feelings.

Dear Diary,
Why does he have to be so cruel?
I can't even say his name.
Don't you hate it when somebody so perfect, so secretly beautiful but they're also an asshole?
Well... Yeah.
Doesn't everybody?

Dear Diary,
I decided to do this again.
Mainly because I saw him looking at me from across the great hall today.
I know.
He looked at me.
Who is this mysterious he, you ask?
A Gryffindor.
That's all I'll say for now.

Dear Diary,
Doesn't the phrase "dear diary" sound incredibly effing stupid? Yeah... It does.
He looked at me at breakfast.
Probably to make fun of me, I suppose.
But, still, I can't help that little what if that echoes through my mind whenever he looks at me.
At those moments, I debate being civil, maybe even offering my hand in friendship like he did so many years ago.
But then I remember.
We're supposed to be enemies.
So I have to be rude.
After all, I can't just admit that I like him. That would be absolutely awful.
He would torture me....

Dear Diary,
I had the most ridiculous thought just now.
What if I told him how I really feel?
That would he frightening.
I can only imagine his reaction.
I'd probably get a fist in the face, or some bee sting words.
Or, maybe, he'd be speechless.
Or, maybe....
Maybe, just maybe, he'd be happy.
That would he ridiculous.
Don't you understand?
I have to be mean to him.
I have to.

Dear Diary,
I love his name, and I wish I could say it lovingly whenever I wanted.
Draco Malfoy.

Dear Diary,
I wish his name could be said on my lips without malice, and instead, with love and adoration.
Harry Potter.

Sorry, that was a suckish oneshot but I just had the idea stuck in my head for most of the day soo....
Love ya guys!

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