Headcanon #3

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Despite how many people describe him as oblivious, Ron was the first to figure out that Draco and Harry were dating. And though he had a rivalry before the war with Draco, he was happy for them. Pansy was second, Hermione was third, and Ginny was fourth - however, this was only because Harry told her. Seamus and Dean figured it out when they walked into their favorite kissing spot - ahem, the Astronomy Tower - and instead of finding it empty, they found Harry pinning Draco against the wall. They told Fred, who told George, who told the rest of the Weasley family. Cho then discovered their relationship when she recognized the series of bite marks on Draco's neck, as Harry would commonly leave the same exact bruises on Cedric's neck before Cho and Cedric got together. Blaise and Gregory went oh as they realized the red Quidditch uniform hanging on Draco's bed had Harry's signature number seven on it, and frankly, Neville wasn't really surprised when he walked into the Gryffindor common room to find Harry and Draco cuddling on the couch. Though we can list off all the honorable mentions - with Hannah finding Draco straddling Harry on the desk in McGonagall's classroom and Ernie walking in on the two showering together after a midnight game of Quidditch - the best and last person to find out about Draco and Harry was in fact McGonagall herself, who, despite being keenly observant and aware of almost all the relationships in Hogwarts, had failed to recognize the looks being passed between the two once enemies and their constant disappearances in classes only for them to come back bruised as romance. In fact, the way she found out was hilarious for many of the Hogwarts students to watch. During a class of Transfiguration for the eighth years, she caught a rather crude note Draco was attempting to spell in Harry's direction. She read it aloud in front of the class, and, well... Let's just say her reaction - along with the majority of the eighth years - involved a loud gasp and doubling over in laughter.

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