Just Four Words

409 21 9

Description: Draco and Harry share a small, surprising moment after Harry saves Draco from the fiendfyre, both occurrences that become extremely significant as they grow older.

Warnings: None

Song: Warriors by Imagine Dragons

Length: 1.1k words


Draco's POV

The sharp tang of smoke invaded my lungs as Harry and I spiraled through the air, the fire roaring around us like an enraged beast. My grip on Harry's shoulders was deathly tight, but he didn't say a word about it, focused on saving us both. Why would he want to save me, after everything I'd done to him? I didn't know.

Finally, we tumbled from the Room of Requirements, Hermione, Ron, and Goyle all slumped against the wall of the corridor already.

Though I landed in a crouch, Harry had landed on his back, and was staring up at the ceiling, the emotions dancing in his eyes unreadable.

"Crabbe...?" I asked, my voice hoarse, and Ron jerked his head in the form of a shake.

"He's dead." He snapped harshly, and I fell silent as he stood.

He grabbed Hermione's hand and hoisted her up, shooting a glance down the hallway.

"C'mon, Harry. We need to go." He said, and though Harry stayed laying on the floor, Goyle stood, wandering off in a daze.

Ron made a noise of irritation.

"Fine, then, don't come with us, but-"

Harry held up a hand.

"Give me a moment Ron. I just need to do something." He said simply, and I could see Ron's expression soften as he turned around and walked away.

I swallowed thickly and stood.

"I guess a better get-"

"No." Harry interrupted, and I snapped my head up, furrowing my brow.

"Excuse me?"

"Please don't leave yet. I need to... I just..." He was struggling to capture any words, obviously.

The edges of my lips curled up in an uncertain smile.

"You need to what?"

"Just... Be safe, okay?" He blurted before running after Ron and Hermione. And though those four words seemed minor at the moment, they managed to evolve into something way larger.


My ears rang. Harry, dead? No. It couldn't be possible. He...

I inhaled sharply and stared at the corpse of Harry Potter that lay in Hagrid's arms, my heart racing and chills spreading down my spine.

Not. Possible.

"Liar." I whispered, but at that moment, I knew Hagrid was honest.

Harry Potter was dead.

Somebody let out a terrible scream, but I had no idea who, until everyone's eyes shifted to me. Suddenly, I was on my knees, my head in my hands, tears blurring my vision. Why...?

"Draco, come over here." My father said stonily, and I shot desperate looks at the Slytherins and Gryffindors and Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs and witches and wizards around me. No. I didn't want to go.

My father gritted his teeth.

"Draco, now, otherwise you will wish you were never born."

And, with my dread heavy as lead lying in my stomach, I stood and swayed on my feet before taking a tentative step towards the dark side. And another step. And another. However, I was halted by a thump from across the field.

I whirled to the left, and my eyes widened as I caught sight of Harry, who was crouched on the floor.

Not so dead after all, I supposed.

"Harry!" I gasped, and stumbled towards him, tears once more spilling freely from my eyes.

He embraced me, and at that moment, I felt so happy I could burst, my heart speeding and my lungs gasping.

We separated, and with a smile, Harry ran off.

And I went with him.


Two years later, I faced Harry Potter as an Auror, our wands at the ready. We were visiting Hogwarts - specifically, the DADA class - and performing a duel as an example to the first years.

"Wands at the ready." The professor said, an we held up our wands, sharing a small grin. After the war, we had become close friends, and even closer as the ministry had made us partners.

"And... You may begin!"

My wand was a blur as I whipped it through the air.


Harry leapt to the side, rolled, and stood back up, his wand held delicately in my direction.

"Petrificus totalus!"

I blocked the spell, and directed a striking motion in his direction.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelped.

And, I knew, for the purpose of the presentation, Harry let his wand be forced out of his hand.

Once more, we shared a smile before the professor signaled the end.

The young first years stared at us in wonder, their mouths agape. I startled as one suddenly spoke.

"But isn't Mr. Potter supposed to win?" She marveled, and Harry laughed.

"I don't always win. Nobody is ever always undefeated." He explained, and the first year nodded slowly.

"Ah..." She sat back down.

The professor smiled apologetically at us, and motioned for us to leave.

So, we did.


"That was great." Harry laughed, brushing his hand against my elbow and sending goosebumps down my arm. I smiled.

"Yeah. It was."

Truly, we hadn't performed a true wizard's duel, but the experience was still as thrilling as I remembered.

Harry came to an abrupt halt.

"Draco...?" He said testily, and I nodded, showing I was listening. "Do you remember what I said to you after I saved you from the Fiendfyre?"

Yes, I did. But I wanted to hear him say it again.

I pursed my lips and lied.

"Sort of." I said, and he smiled thinly, placing a shaking hand on my shoulder. The spreading warmth in my body flared dramatically.

"Well, I meant it. Every one of those four words, okay? And I know that you're traveling to Germany - alone - in a couple days, so I just wanted to do this in case I never see you again-"

His words cut off as he pressed his lips to mine, and I gasped, taking a step back. But he was right there to press me against the wall.

Luckily, the corridor was empty, so that beautiful, wonderful kiss seemed to last an eternity.

He spread kisses down my jaw and to my collarbone, marking my neck with purple and red that I would gladly wear to show that I was his. His gasps echoed in my ears, and I writhed beneath his velvet touch, purring at every kiss he placed behind my ear and every mark he made on my porcelain skin.

"Don't stop." I murmured, and he didn't, not for ages.

When we finally disconnected, his pupils were blown wide, and my face was hot and scarlet.

"By the way," I whispered, latching my teeth onto his neck. "you're coming with me to Germany."

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