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Description: Harry and Draco recount the times they were caught in their relationship at Hogwarts (Harry and Draco's POVs)

Warnings: Smut, if you consider very intense make out scenes to be smut.

Song: Shape of You by Ed Sheeran (yes, again)

Length: 1.4k words

Harry's POV

My lips skimmed over Draco's jaw, and he gasped, arching his back and pressing his head into the wall. His hands were knotted in my hair, and his mouth hung open, that venomous tongue of his slipping between his rosy lips every so often.

I latched down with my teeth, and he groaned, raking his fingernails down my back. And, though those oozing marks stung, I relished the pain, dragging my teeth down to his collarbone with a low moan.

We were in a pretty public location, situated in the alley right beside the Three Broomsticks after having a double date with Pansy and Hermione. The two had gotten together after Hermione and Ron broke up two weeks through eighth year. However, these alley make out sessions were quite common, so we were unworried that somebody would catch sight of us.

He dug his fingers into my bare back, drawing more blood that slipped down my spine.

"Is this okay?" He asked breathily, and I looked up at him with my blurry vision, smiling wildly.

I could only nod.

When we dug his fingernails in further, my knees buckled and warmth coiled in my abdomen, forcing a small gasp from my parted lips.

I then began to spread harsh, sloppy kisses in a trail down his chest, biting roughly on his hip.

I glanced up at him to find his head thrown back against the wall.

Smiling to myself, I latched my teeth onto the waistband of his pants and slowly pulled, my tongue darting out to lick his skin-


I froze, gripping Draco's sides with still hands before slowly turning to glance at Ginny, who stood at the end of the alley, her mouth agape.

Draco blushed brilliantly.

"Oh, Merlin." She repeated, and covered her mouth, her eyes gleaming not with tears, but rather with joy. "I knew it. Dean owes me five."

I blinked rapidly at her, and unlatched my teeth from Draco's pants, slowly standing and straightening out my own.

"What?" I cocked my head.

I couldn't help but flinch at how my voice shook, and how my fingers against Draco's hips were quivering violently. And, though he was shaking as well, Draco placed a gentle hand of mine.

"It's going to be fine." He mouthed, and when we turned to Ginny, we found her laughing hysterically.

"I can't say." She blurted, and straightened her hunched back, smiling mischievously. "You can go back to what you were doing. And, don't worry; I won't tell a soul about this."

And then, without another word, she left silently.

Draco and I stared at each other quizzically, his brows drawn together.

"Do you think she means that? That she's not going to tell anyone?" He asked softly, his voice quivering.

I placed a gentle kiss on his nose before abruptly snagging the waistband of his jeans, replacing my reassuring grin with a lustful one.

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