The Silence of a Painter

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Description: Harry admits something to Ginny (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None

Notes: I purposely didn't put any music here, hence the title, The SILENCE of a Painter
Updated Notes: let's be honest; the only reason I didn't put in a song was because I either didn't find a song, or was too lazy to find one.

Length: 2.2k words

Harry's POV

Ever since I had fallen in love, I had become a wanderer.

I could never stay in one place for long; at dinner, all I did was grab a chicken leg and bolt, only to lazily wander around the lake while tossing small pieces of chicken to the giant squid.

During classes, though I myself couldn't just leave, my mind would, transporting itself to the Room of Requirement.

And I rarely slept.

Instead, I explored the Forbidden Forest, familiarizing myself with the many beasts that roamed the woods and mapping out the land till I could find that hidden dragon's den in my sleep.

My love never came with me.

But, sometimes, Ginny did.

She always tended to tag along; whether it was to try to kiss me as I lay in the grass near Hagrid's Hut, or whether it was to whisper sweet nothings as we curled together in the space beneath the Whomping Willow, she always just... Tried.

It was a bit too much.

At that moment, we sat at the edge of the lake. Her legs were curled up beneath her, and my feet gently skimmed the freezing water every time I swung my legs.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked, staring at me from behind a sheet of her fire red hair.

I swallowed thickly, and my gaze shifted from her to the thick fanged fish attempting to nip at my bare toes.

"If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone else?" I said, and she nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, but I have to tell you something afterwards."

What could she possibly tell me that would trump what I would say to her?
Falling in love with someone else was no small matter, especially when your girlfriend is none other than the fiery tempered Ginny Weasley.

"Uh, well... This is sort of a long story." I mumbled.

She smiled slightly.

"Then start from the beginning."

Just as she said that, I was absorbed into a series of bittersweet memories.

"Well, you see... You know how I get restless sometimes. One night, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to explore the castle even though, you know, I've explored it seemingly hundreds of times before. I eventually found my way to the corridor where the DA practiced, and the Room of Requirements's door formed in front of me. I went inside-" I chuckled. "-obviously, and saw something - or rather someone - that shocked me."

Ginny leaned closer with every word I spoke.

"Who did you see?" She asked, inhaling sharply as if she were listening to a gruesome fairytale.

"Draco Malfoy. His back was turned to me, and there was a large canvas in front of him, streaked with paint."

"What was he painting?"

I couldn't help but choke on my words.

"He... The house symbols. Well, half house symbol, half a person. The Slytherin one was half Pansy Parkinson, the Ravenclaw one half Astoria Greengrass, the Hufflepuff one half a man I didn't recognize, and the Gryffindor one..." I laughed hoarsely. "...was half me."

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