Angel Fall

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Description: a demon, Harry, catches the eye of an angel, Draco

Warnings: none

Song: Body by SYML

Note: yes, this book is technically completed because I have lost the inspiration to write. However, whenever I come up with an idea for a Drarry oneshot, I will make sure to post it.

Lengths: 2.7k words

Draco's POV

The First Day

I cling to the edge of the cliff, heat licking at my fingertips. Below, I am presented with the image of a rather impressive demon palace. It stretches beyond Hell's fire-orange clouds, it's spires dark and gleaming, while windows made of warped glass wink in the moonlight. My gaze lies upon an onyx balcony.

My goal is simple: listen in on one of the biggest political discussions between the demon Dumbledore and his unknown successor, and report it back to my angelic general, Bellatrix.

Doesn't sound too difficult, right? Except for the fact that I have absolutely no idea where this conversation is going to take place, and I have no idea what either of these demons even look like.

Of course, regarding appearance, I go by what Bellatrix has told me; demons are horrible grotesque, with curving horns and half-moon smiles and red eyes. This troubles me. Surrounded by the gorgeous majesty of the angelic race my entire life, I have not had time to grow accustomed to things that disgust me... other than the actions of angelic generals and their elders, of course. I get enough of that.

I blow air out through my nose frustratedly. Time is ticking, and I have yet to see any movement from where I can peer inside the great castle. But wait — my eyes sharpen as I catch somebody moving through one of the halls. A cloak billows around them, and, like Bellatrix had suggested, great, sharp horns rise above his head. Though I cannot see his face, chills race down my body as I attempt to imagine what he looks like.

And then — from the other side of the hall, Dumbledore himself approaches the other demon, his hair stark white against the darkness of his robes. They exchange a few murmured words and then move onto the balcony, where I can clearly hear what they are saying, unfortunately for them.

"Harry, I'm worried about you," Dumbledore begins, his voice having a strange lilt that I realize is the accent of demons.

The other demon — Harry — shrugs nonchalantly, though his aura shimmers with burning rage. "You should be. I'm seventeen, King. You can't just send me-"

"Do not tell me what I can and cannot do." Dumbledore's voice is soft, but not dangerously so.

Harry stills. "Yes, apologies."

"Anyway, you know your mission. Listen in on the conversation between Voldemort and his successor. You know who the successor is?"

Harry hesitates, but eventually nods slowly. "I believe I do. It will be someone of immense power and beauty, someone who will be able to-" his voice lowers in disgust, "-spread the holy word of their God."

"Yes, very good. Once you and your counterpart take the places of me and Voldemort, you each will be in charge of fighting the other side. But, I have another idea. You see, if you-"

"No." Harry's voice is dangerous enough the Dumbledore's mouth snaps shut, though the elder's eyes are still expectant and kind. "I've already heard that plan, and I absolutely refuse to have anything to do with it."

"Harry, you must understand-"

"Can you just leave me alone for once, please?" he begs, and Dumbledore places a hand on his shoulder before moving back into the hall, leaving Harry alone.

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