Spices and Lilies: Part Two

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Length: 1.9k words

Harry's POV

As I walked down the corridors to the great hall, I could hear Hermione and Ron whispering behind me.
"Wait, what?" Ron suddenly said, stopping. "Are you serious?"
Hermione froze.
"Well... Yeah."
Ron put his face in his hands.
"Oh shit, no way... Oh, Merlin save us all."
I started towards them, and then, furrowing my brow, I said,
"Uh, what is going on?"
Both of them went silent.
"Well, Harry, you do know what it means when perfectly made Amortentia doesn't work on you, yes?"
"Er... No?"
Hermione went scarlet.
"You don't know. Merlin's beard. Ron, don't say a word about this."
Looking extremely pale, Ron nodded.
"I won't." He whispered hoarsely.
I frowned.
"Can you please tell me what's going on?"
Hermione and Ron both shot glances at each other before Hermione said,
"Maybe it's best that you discover that for yourself."
My face went hot with anger.
"Fine, be that way." I said, my voice dangerously quiet.
And, despite my calm facade, the chandelier above us burst.

Draco's POV

Pansy pushed herself against me with a slight grin.
"Aw, that's so adorable..." She purred.
I quirked a brow.
"Oh, you know, the Amortentia thing..."
"What Amortentia thing?"
She paused.
"You don't know?"
"Don't know what?"
She didn't respond, and instead stared at the floor, her painted lips pressed into a thin line.
"Pansy..." I muttered, my voice raised.
She still was silent.
Irritatingly quiet, she licked her lips before saying,
"You should discover it yourself."
"Discover what?"
At that, she snickered.
"Well, if I told you, wouldn't that be... I dunno, cheating?"
And, before I could summon a reply, she scurried away, followed by my frustrated yelling.

Harry's POV

Ginny stared at me from across the table with an unreadable look flickering in her blue eyes.
I clutched my fork tightly, ignoring her with a considerable amount of effort.
Eventually, though, when the tension became too much, I slammed my hand down on the table.
"Merlin, Ginny!" I burst, drawing the attention of half the people around us. "Why are you looking at me as if I just confessed to killing a kitten?"
At that moment, she looked absolutely mortified.
"Er... Well, you see, Harry, I heard about what happened in your potions class."
Seeing my baffled expression, she frowned.
"You know... The thing with the Amortentia?"
My grip on my fork tightened.
"Why is everyone mentioning the Amortentia thing? I truly have no idea what you're talking about." I said.
Ginny pursed her lips.
"Really? Well, you see, when-"
Her words were muffled by Ron's hand over her mouth.
"I told you not to tell." He hissed, and I gritted my teeth, irked by the secrecy.
"This is utter bullshit." I said finally, and Hermione, Ginny, and Ron whipped their heads towards me.
"What is?" Hermione questioned.
"This unnecessary secrecy?"
At that, she chuckled darkly.
"Harry, it really isn't unnecessary... This is something you should discover for yourself."
That ignited a flame of anger in me.
I stood, dropping the fork.
"I'm done here." I said stiffly.
Ron and Hermione watched with shock as I stepped away from the Gryffindor tables, heading towards where I knew Luna sat.
She smiled at me dreamily as I sat down next to her.
"Hello, Harry. Amortentia on your mind?"
I clenched my jaw.
"Did they tell you?"
That anger returned once more.
"Why is it good?" I asked hoarsely, feeling utterly defeated.
She smiled sadly.
"I'm sure Hermione explained."
"She didn't?"
"Yeah. She did."
"Well, then, if you know the reason, why are you so upset? Go and welcome the mystery, Harry."
I was struck by the wisdom of her words.
"Okay." I murmured, and stayed there for the rest of dinner, my gaze unconsciously drifting to a certain white haired boy every few minutes.
And even though she undoubtedly noticed, Luna didn't mention it.

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