Ties: Part Two

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Song: Hold Me Down by Halsey

Length: 800 words

Harry's POV

"Why didn't you tell us you were shagging him?"
I pause, glancing at a blushing Ron.
"Probably because I thought you'd act like this." I respond, and his flush only deepens as he turns back towards Hermione.
"And, Hermione! How are you not surprised?"
"Women's intuition, Ron."
But Hermione and I share a glance, as I am more than aware that she's lying.
She once walked in on Draco and I - ahem, doing the deed, and her reaction was absolutely priceless... Though, she had thought something was going on before, so I suppose that made that moment *a bit* less awkward.
I nibble on Draco's neck, and he gasps, arching beneath.
"Oh..." His words falter as we hear someone enter the common room.
"Hey, Harry, have you seen..."
I freeze, staring up at a wide eyed Hermione.
"Draco," I hiss, as he's still beneath gasping for breath. "Didn't you pit a charm on the door?"
"Yeah, and! C'mon, just kiss me."
My gaze connects with Hermione's, and she blushes, glancing at Draco.
"Harry, c'mon..." Draco wines, and I slap a hand over his mouth, wincing.
"Harry, what the Hell...?" Hermione looks as if she's going to piss herself from laughter, surprisingly.
When Draco hears her speaking, he swears loudly, sitting up, causing me to fall backwards.
He catches me before I hit the floor.
"Well, this is awkward." He says, glancing between Hermione and I.
Hermione just shrugs, shaking her head.
"I knew."
"You knew? How?" I respond, staring at her with wide eyes.
My face feels hot.
"You two are just so obvious with those 'secret' glances across the great hall."
Draco sets me down, having the grace to blush.
"Oh." I murmur.
"Oh? Just oh?"
"Yes. There's nothing else to say, is there?"
I challenge her with a raised eyebrow.
She only grins wildly, muttering something under her breath.
Draco whips his head towards her.
"Did you just say, 'I ship it'?" He asks, and she only waves a hand, leaving the common room.
But then, she pauses.
"You should put a charm on the door if you want no one to catch you, you blithering idiots." She laughs, and then leaves us behind.
I glance at Draco from across the hall, who has a small, knowing smirk on his face.
"Hi Harry."
I jerk my head up.
Luna stands beside the Gryffindor table, her lips caught in a smile.
I offer one back.
"Hi, Luna."
"So, you and Draco are dating?"
For some reason, I'm hesitant to answer, despite the entire school already knowing the answer to that particular question.
"Well, yeah." I say, and then, off to the right, somebody whistles.
"Oh, Harry."
The Gryffindor was a transfer student from Illvermorny, and, admittedly, wasn't the nicest person in the world.
"Did you have fun last night?"
The people around him crack up, but Ron, Hermione, Luna and I only frown, taking one glance at the group of idiots before turning back towards our conversation.
But then, I decide to respond.
"Yes, Brandon, I did have a lot of fun... I had more action than you're likely to have in your entire life."
The table goes silent.
Brandon flushes scarlet, standing.
"Listen, Harry." He sneers. "I don't need scum like you talking to me."
Scum? Well, that's going a bit far.
I snort, biting back a response, and just return to eating.
"Aw, little Harry's too afraid to respond? Not surprising, considering he's a-"
My wand is out before he can even mutter the next word.
The professors watch from their table, but none move to interfere.
"I dare you to say that word." I hiss, pointing my wand towards him. "I dare you."
At that, he rolls his eyes, sitting down.
"There goes Harry Potter again, being a little drama queen."
Shakily, I sit back down.
Though I am tempted to answer, I don't say a word.
Why would I?
Why would I talk to some ignorant, close minded prick?
I jump when Brandon lets out a bellow. I turn towards him, my eyes widening with both surprise and amusement when I see him sporting pig ears and a pig nose.
I glance at Draco.
He's standing up, his face flushed red with fury, his hand quivering as he holds his wand towards Brandon.
But his voice is level when he speaks.
"If you say another word," He threatens. "I will do much worse than that."
Brandon immediately stands and flees the hall, but not before hearing a few snickers and whispers of disdain aimed in his direction.
I smile shakily at Draco.
"Well, that's enough for now." Professor McGonagall holds up a hand, her voice tinged with amusement.
Draco smirks at me before sitting back down, placing his wand on the table.
Though we did receive some criticism for a relationship, no one ever openly challenged us again after that moment in the hall.

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