Blue Girls Don't Cry and Neither Do Guys: Part Four

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Notes: We've finally gotten to the last part after around three weeks! (I know, my timing is awful). Also, I'm sorry for taking so long. As I said in the author's note, I've been having writer's block lately, so please forgive me ^_^.

Song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Beatles

Length: 1.6k words

Draco's POV

In Harry's room, I straightened my blue coat, trying to avoid making eye contact with the bruised and broken doll staring back at me emptily from the smudged glass.

"Are you ready?" Harry placed his hand gently on my shoulder, and at that moment, my wooden heart lit up like a firefly.

I turned to him and smiled.

"Yeah, I am," I said, and blushed.

Harry looked absolutely amazing - despite it being hoy outside, he wore traditional Durmstrang robes lined with fur and such a deep red they seemed black. If anybody had been looking close at him (which I was), they would notice the eyeliner making his eyes pop and the tinged lipgloss that somehow made his lips look bigger.

He kissed my softly.

"You look beautiful," he whispered against my flushed skin, then grabbed my hand, bringing me out of his room and into the corridor.


As tradition went, the Triwizard Tournament contestants were the first to enter the ballroom first. At the thought, my anxiety bubbled up, choking me.

Harry squeezed my hand.

"You're going to be okay." And I desperately hoped I was.

We stepped into the ballroom, and we were greeted with smiles from most of the students, but a few grimaces that made me want to stamp my weak smile out like the flickering flame it was. I felt my tears build up, but forced them down. Malfoys don't cry.

For a moment, as we walked down a pathway lined by students wearing predominantly red, blue, and black, I had a flash back to how easily Harry broke down in the corridor. How did he so that? A part of me ached for that freedom, but as I did with the burning tears, I forced it away.

Harry grabbed my hands, and it was at that moment I realized we were supposed to dance. And, with a blush painting my face scarlet, I did.

He spun me, and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, my robes flying around me as if lifted on a phantom wind. I was brought to his chest to begin the waltz.

"Beautiful," he murmured, his lips centimeters from mine, and my heart gave an involuntary leap.

"So are you," I responded.

He flushed red as his robes, and initiated the waltz, his grip on my fingers tight, yet pleasant.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked after a moment. I nodded.

"Yes, I'm good."

Once more, he spun me, and that foreign laugh burst from my lips as I watched more people join in the whirling and spinning.


We sat off to the side, pleasantly surprised by the way Ari and Godfrey didn't antagonize us. Our hands were tight around each other, and our eyes were on the dancers.

I cast a shy gaze on him.



"I... I think I love you."

My heart sped as he didn't respond for a moment. But when he turned to look at me, his eyes were sparkling, and his grin was blinding.

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