Bloody Moonlight

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Description: Draco can hear other people's thoughts, and when he overhears Harry's mind murmuring about someone like "bloody moonlight", he can't help but get curious (Draco's POV).

Warnings: None

Song: Control by Halsey

Length: 1k words

Draco's POV

Other people's thoughts dominate my mind.
Once upon a time, I had to look at someone and assume what they were thinking was something negative about me.
Not anymore.
Voldemort once promised us glory and power, and though we never got glory, we definitely got something.
I could taste magic, spicy and flavorful and sweet and bitter, and feel emotions crawl on my skin like icy fingertips.
But the worst thing was that I could hear and think other's thoughts.
I hardly knew what was mine anymore.
The taste of magic at Hogwarts was so, painfully strong, sweet and full of spices, but never flavorless.
No, the only flavorless magic I had ever tasted was Voldemort's himself.
Actually, no, scratch that; his was like murky water, chalky and gritty with a slight, bitter aftertaste.
When I had developed the powers gifted to me by the dark mark on my wrist, I drifted further and further from my friends, becoming a dark phantom in a corridor of silver ghosts.
The only one who stuck by my side was raven haired Pansy Parkinson.
Her magic was dim, and tasted too sweet, like agave nectar. It was gritty, yet, at the same time, smooth like honey upon my lips.
I supposed, then, you could say, it tasted yellow.
I sat at the Slytherin tables, my eyes half closed as magic berated me with multicolored flashes and unpleasantly flavorful tastes.
I closed my eyes fully and let the Hogwarts students' thoughts overtake me.
Immediately, my mind was filled with Pansy's mental whispers.
-ridiculous. Imagine that. He, liking him? No... No way.
I blocked her out afterwards.
No gossip for me, thank you.
I searched the room, for something unique, that didn't taste like exotic spices, like almost all magic did.
And then my mind froze.
Somebody, whoever they were, had a mind that tasted of... Roses?
No. It had to be vanilla... Or was it lavender? Perhaps rosemary, then.
Or a mixture of all four.
I submerged myself in their thoughts, said by a strangely familiar voice.
-like me? As if. As if one of bloody moonlight would like me.
Curiosity flared within my chest.
Bloody moonlight?
How poetic, too much so for I, someone who had promised to forsake all forms of poetry for Voldemort himself.
But this poetry was of words, not of emotions, so I allowed that churning, gold tasting river to whisk me away once more.
-I wish. I really do... Hermione, what the Hell? Oh, lord... My friends are absolute retards. I bet, at the moment, I would have more fun being friends with Pansy than with these two bloody lovebirds.
I was ripped away from the soft, timbered voice by Pansy, who was shaking me, her eyes flaring with annoyance.
"Draco!" She snapped, the black of her eyes narrowing to slits. "I can feel you using you gift. What is it? Tell me... Please?"
I stood up abruptly.
"No." I hissed. "I will not tell you. Can't you figure it out with the measly power you received from Vol... He-Who-Must -Not-Be-Named?"
Completely aware of the fact I was being stared at by most of the Slytherins, I stormed out of the great hall.

I slid down the wall, wincing as my ass hit the floor.
Merlin, I was so embarrassed.
Why the Hell had I said that?
Desperate to escape my own thoughts for once, I submerged my mind in those of the people beyond the walls.
Immediately, that silky soft voice sent chills down my spine.
-should stop thinking about it. Yeah, it's fruitless. Ugh, Ginny again. Bullshit. So annoying. I can't believe I have to pretend to like you. The money Ron paid me isn't enough for this shit. Then again, it is for both of us, since Ginny is with Luna...
Wait, what? Who was this guy, who knew so much about Ginny, and hung around Ron - oh.
Harry effing Potter.
When he rounded the corner of the hallway, I think my heart just about stopped.
He froze once he saw me, his emerald eyes wide with something unreadable.
His voice was soft as a breeze.
He took a tentative step forward, and I couldn't help but wince, his golden magic tangy and forceful.
Concern flashed in those gorgeous eyes.
That was the only thought of his I could hear. The rest were too jumbled, to mashed together to be heard.
But his magic thrummed and made my heart ache with its force, overpowering with its taste of vanilla and roses.
"Bloody moonlight, eh?" I murmured, and couldn't help but let a barked laugh bubble up from my lips.
He obviously didn't hear me.
I shook my head with a small chuckle.
"Yeah... Never mind. What are you doing here?"
My voice was without malice, as I didn't have the energy to summon up nonexistent hatred.
"I..." He obviously struggled to find words. "I don't know."
We stood there in silence before my voice shattered the uncomfortable stillness.
"You can't tell anyone about this."
"Uh... Why?"
"Because this is embarrassing. I'm supposed to be perfect, aren't I?"
I didn't think I heard his next words correctly.
"But you are."
"I'm what?"
"Perfect, I mean."
With that, his face flushed crimson.
I hadn't realized how close he had gotten.
He was then leaning against the wall across from me, staring at the floor with darting eyes.
I blushed.
"Oh, ah... So are you?"
His blush deepened.
"Th-thank you."
Did Harry effing Pitter just stutter?
Oh, I wish he would kiss me....
Was that his thought or mine?
Probably mine.
But I didn't wait to find out.
"Kiss me." I blurted, and his head snapped towards me, his eyes wide.
"Ah... What?"
But he looked like he wanted to.
I stood up, determined, and marched over to Harry, slamming my hands to the wall to trap him.
His eyes were glossed with something, his rosebud lips parted.
"I said, kiss me." I growled, and loosened when he slammed his lips to mine.
His hands curled into my then messy hair, and when we separated, I could read the look in his eyes.
"You taste like roses and vanilla." I murmured, and he smiled, pressing his forehead to mine.
His whispered words made me smile.
"And you taste like bloody moonlight."

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