Bandages Over Blue

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Description: A soulmate AU in which your soulmate's name is written on one wrist and your enemy's name on the other. (Harry's POV)

Warnings: Mention of suicidal tendencies

Notes: Based off of a headcanon (yes, again, I've run out of ideas) on Tumblr, so credit goes to @/cindymoon and

Song: Silhouette by Birdy

Length: 1.4k words

Harry's POV

When it comes to the names on your wrists, one must always hope you're not missing a hand. That was what Hermione told me, with a matter a fact tone right before my sixteenth birthday, the day those two names would form on my wrists.

At that, Ron only laughed. "No," he said. "That isn't true. Just hope you don't have the same name on both wrists. That wouldn't be good."

On that, I agreed.

Earlier that year, Ron and Hermione had both received their names, which they had both readily told me through the mail.

On Hermione's wrists, Pansy Parkinson and Bellatrix Lestrange - both repulsive, she added, but she assumed horrid Pansy to be her soulmate (unfortunately).

Ron, on the other hand, had gotten both Tom Riddle and Lavender Brown - Lavender being his obvious soulmate.

So, at the moment, we were both sitting on Ron's bed at the Burrow, our eyes all on my wrist.

It was 11:59. Only a minute.

"It's not that painful, Harry," Ron was saying, his brow furrowed. "It only stings for a moment, like a piercing."

"And how would you know what a piercing feels like?" Hermione scowls.

Ron only smiles sheepishly, and I glance away, grinning.

And then, I feel it. A tingling in my wrists, so peculiar. And the ringing of the grandfather clock in the kitchen.

"Holy shit," I whisper, and yelp as a sharp pain spikes in my hands.

Almost as if in a trance, we all watch as the first name appears in delicate cursive on my right hand.

Draco Malfoy.

Ron snorts, leaning back.

"Your enemy, clearly," he says, but I'm not so sure.

I have liked him - albeit secretly - since third year, despite that slap from Hermione being pretty hilarious and those Potter Stinks! badges that were passed around the school in fourth year.

"Oh, the other one's forming," I hear Hermione whisper, and we all watch, transfixed, as the same name on my right wrist is written on my left.


At the moment, I lay curled up in my bed in Gryffindor tower, staring numbly at the wall.

Ever since that moment in the burrow, both Hermione and Ron have been acting strangely, avoiding my gaze and being... Well, far away.

And I have been feeling sick, as if there's a lump of something in my throat, cold and hard.

"Harry? Are you feeling alright?" Neville asks in a whisper, peering at me from his bed across the room.

I glance at him in surprise.

"I didn't know anyone else was awake."

"Yeah, well, I am."

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