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Description: An AU in which Harry wasn't present for the Fiendfyre, and hasn't seen Draco since the seen at Malfoy Manor. (Harry and Draco's POVs)

Warnings: Intense violence

Notes: This was based off of a headcanon from Tumblr, so credit for the idea goes to

Song: Beautiful Lies by Birdy

Length: 1.8k words

Harry's POV

End of the Battle of Hogwarts

Cheers rise around me, swallowing my thoughts like a terrible tidal wave.
Where is Draco?
They scream and pound the ground, Ginny's hands scrabbling for mine.
Where is Draco?
Hermione and Ron are clinging to me like mayflies to something sweet, their grins blinding.
Where is Draco?
As I look around, I can't catch a sight of silver and green amongst a sea of sapphire, ruby, gold, and emerald.

First Day of Eighth Year

I haven't seen Draco since he and Narcissa saved me at Malfoy Manor. Currently, their faces flash in my mind, bringing glimpses of Draco's moon white and silver and pale blue and Narcissa's black and ivory white.

I lick my lips and sigh, resting my head against the seat.


I look up.

Pansy stands in front of me, her hands curled in a knot at her front, her dark eyes darting nervously.

Over the summer, Hermione had broken off Ron and her's relationship - due to Hermione discovering her sexuality - and instead developed a certain infatuation for Pansy Parkinson, a girl she used to hate until the Slytherin decided to improve herself into what Hermione describes as a beautiful, goth, fallen angel.

My heart gives a pang. If anyone had talked to Draco over the summer, it had been her. And I want to know what happened to the person I had had a secret romance with since sixth year.

"Yes?" I say carefully, settling my gaze on the area above her nose.

She shuffles, clearly uncomfortable.

"Ah..." Words seem to evade her as she stands there. So, I speak.

"Um, have you seen Draco?" I don't bother hide the way my voice quivers.

"Yeah... Actually, that was what I was here to talk to you about," she stammers, and inhales deeply as if to steel herself as she sits beside me.

"As you probably know," she begins, her gaze glued to the table. "Draco hasn't been seen by most people since the end of sixth year. But I know for a fact you encountered him at Malfoy Manor last year when you were with Luna, Hermione, and Ron, and I know for a fact that he saved your asses by not telling anyone who you were. Well, you weren't the only four that saw him last. As you know, Blaise and my parents are - were Death Eaters. So, naturally, we saw him after you saw him." Her breath is quickening. "And - oh, Merlin, I know that you two were in love. It was so obvious... The way you looked at each other, I knew there was something else there, other than loathing. I think Ron and Hermione actually knew as well, even if they didn't approve as much as I did."

I can tell by her darting eyes and fidgeting hands that she is avoiding a certain subject.

My throat clenched.

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask, my voice painfully hoarse.

She begins to shake.

"I... After you escaped from the Manor, Voldemort... He knew..." She covers her mouth with a hand and squeezes her eyes shut, a tear leaking from her left eye. "He knew that Draco had lied. Oh, Merlin..."

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