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Description: Harry thinks about Draco while staring at the stars

Song: Can't Help Falling in Love with You by Haley Reinhart

Warnings: suicidal thoughts, suicidal actions

Notes: This one is going to be short, a sort of filler chapter until I come up with something better

Length: 600 words

Harry's POV

I can see his name in the constellations. Written in silver with harsh lines, the curvier letters part of larger constellations. His eyes are there, too, silver and bright.

But like all things bright as him, darkness surrounds him, and yet... And yet, the stars that look too much like his eyes shine brighter, more beautifully, as he did when he fought against Death Eaters in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Beautiful, he was, wreathed in magic the color of lightning, so powerful that echoes were thunder and rain. Like the moon, enchanting, but, just like that silver orb, eventually gone.

Cold is the emptiness that surrounds him, or surrounded, magic as black as the night eating up his starlight. And then mine, red as a faded Gryffindor flag, making that silver a magnificent color that mirrored the dawn, that devoured the bone masks that those serpents wore like armor.

Constellations in the sky, like the freckles he hid beneath white paint, burst like white blossoms against the night. Constellations in the sky, like the abstract paintings he would create when stress wore him down like his own personal thundercloud. Constellations in the sky, like the shapes we made with our bodies on the nights when he hurt the most and my scar brought to mind images that could only come from a place as dark and foreign as Voldemort's thoughts.

If people were stars, I would be a dying one, flickering like that one light that never seems to sputter out at the end of the corridor, while Draco would be a sky full of constellations, black and white and silver and violet with all those beautiful colors.

Silver and white, he was, like a gorgeous phantom, that day on the battlefield. Red like blood was the magic that I summoned from my wand to the lips of Death Eaters. And, pink like the sky on a dewy evening was our power, our beauty when I stood by his side and we both used all we could to destroy them.

He was silver, like the scars on the insides of my arms and thighs and the ones he held hidden between his toes that nobody knew about except for I. He was white, like the stars without firelight to taint them and his skin as I pressed my fingertips to it every night. I was red, like my skin rose red as he pressed his body against mine and the marks I left scattered like our own personal constellations down his spine. Together, we were dawn, like the sky during a particularly beautiful sunset and our lips after a long night spent on the corridor floor. But after, there was only my red, like the blood I slipped on beneath my feet and the color that used to rise to his cheeks the moment I kissed him in front of our friends.

Together, we were a beautiful constellation, the color of the dusk, of a blush, of velvet rose petals, of love potions. But we are no longer a constellation. Instead, I am alone, by thoughts and magic red like the blood that is drawn from myself every lonely night and like the raspy laughter that escapes my chapped lips whenever I am supposed to laugh along. We are no longer a beautiful constellation. Rather, I am a flickering star, about to die as the light that is my blood drains from me as I stare up the sky of Draco's eyes that I will soon return to.

Yeah... Sorry?

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