A Game for the Dark, the Shameless, and the Bold

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Description: Harry is dragged to a masquerade party hosted by the Slytherins, but what he expects and what he receives are two entirely different things.

Warnings: smut, swearing

Song: Loverboy by Miserable

Notes: Part Two will first be posted to my Ao3 account (wickedlore), then immediately, added onto this account.


Third Person POV

Harry was late. He rummaged through his shoulder bag, barely remembering to throw on his mask as Astoria dragged him through the halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "We're going to be late," Daphne grumbled, stating the obvious. Harry only offered her a smile.

When Daphne had brought up the idea of a secret, semi-erotic masquerade ball hosted by the Slytherin eighth years, he hadn't known whether to accept or not. Semi-erotism? Sure. A masquerade, where he couldn't identify his friends from his enemies? No. Not to mention, the ball itself was a costume party; the theme was fantasy characters, and Harry had chosen to dress as something rather uncreative.

Daphne's periwinkle dress, belonging to the maiden from The Warlock's Hairy Heart, fluttered behind her, stained with faux blood. Harry couldn't fathom why she would ruin such a beautiful dress for something as idiotic as a masquerade. In contrast to the dress's delicate beauty, Harry was dressed in an elaborate pirate costume designed by Luna, paired with a matching cloth mask that covered everything except for his lips and eyes. Astoria's mask was similar; but instead of gold, her mask was made out of white silk and blue feathers. Just like most people attending, the two had cast certain charms that caused them to look unfamiliar to each other. The only way Harry could recognize his friend was by her elaborate costume.

While Harry was pondering the nature of their outfits, Daphne had stopped walking. "We're here," she said cheerfully, and the wall slid open to reveal a decked-out version of the Room of Requirements. Windows draped with green velvet opened into the grounds, showing a gorgeous view of the lake, while chandeliers dripping with golden ornaments hung from the domed ceiling. Renaissance style paintings decorated the area around the chandeliers. The walls were ivory and gold; nude Grecian statues stood in small alcoves, erotic in their positioning. Couches were placed along the outskirts of the room; and, on those couches, Slytherins, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Gryffindors alike were tangled together. Not only were there witches and wizards, but certain fairies and veela were mixed into the groups, characterized by icy white skin and gossamer wings.

"Brilliant, no?" Daphne said, jolting Harry out of his thoughts.

"Very much so." His gaze was trained on the couches. Not only was he shocked, but also very intrigued, especially when he saw people that he knew gracing the fabric. Unmasked and uncharmed Gregory Goyle was one of them, turned handsome with age, and he locked eyes with the curious boy. Harry turned away with a blush.

"How are you enjoying the revelry?" Arms slid around Daphne's shoulders. Upon closer inspection, those arms were revealed to belong to the one and only Pansy Parkinson, recognizable by her midnight black costume directly from The Fountain of Fair Fortune.

"We only just got here," was Daphne's response. The blue-eyed girl twisted around to connect their lips, drawing a burst of laughter from her partner. The pair's hands entwined.

"Harry, do you mind if we go off for awhile? You have plenty of friends here, surely you can find one of them." Daphne's voice was soft, but her eyes were pleading, desperate for some time along with her girlfriend.

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