Care for You: Part One

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Description: science fiction AU. Draco is one of the elite of futuristic America. After passing out from not eating, the AMIT (Against Mental Illness in Teens) assigns him a CareBot named Harry.

Song: The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals

Warnings: mental illness such as eating disorders and anxiety, swearing

Note (PLEASE READ): HEY I was thinking that I could rewrite Godfire (to some degree) as a short Drarry book by itself? Like, would any of you guys actually read it? Also, I'm beginning to realize that most of my oneshots are starting to have more than one part, and they're really, really long...

Length: 2.8k words

Draco's POV


Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. For most, this is easy. Breathing is a natural instinct. For me, it is a chore. Oxygen is poisonous, scorching my lungs, eating me inside and out. I don't want it, and the same goes for for food. All of it is spider venom and cyanide made to look like honey, but no, I refuse to be fooled. I REFUSE IT-


My eyes feel as if they are glued shut. The room around me pulses a cold, hospital blue, causing my heart to have a fit. In a response, the machine beside me whines.

"Hello?" I say, my eyes still shut. I can hear somebody moving beside me. They grab my hand, and I resist the urge to move away, my mouth going dry from the anxiety.

"Draco, darling, it's going to be okay." Hearing my mother's voice should be a relief. However, it makes my shoulders bunch and my heart begin to sputter, causing the machine's whine to heighten to a screech.

My mother quickly snatches her hand away. "Sorry, baby," she mumbles. "If you're worried about your father, he isn't here. He's still in New Angeles."

"New Angeles?" I manage to ask, amusement warping my voice. "Wasn't he there a week ago?"

I can almost hear her nod. "Yes, but AMIT called him back for a special case... something about a CareBot malfunction, I believe."

There is a brief moment of silence, and as I speak, it feels as if there are cotton balls inside of my mouth. "...Mum?"

"Yes, Dragon?"

"I've never heard of a CareBot malfunctioning."

"Of course not. It isn't something that they put in the news. After all, AMIT doesn't want people knowing about their slip-ups. I doubt people would accept CareBots if they knew how, er, emotional the robots can get," she says lightly. However, the words irk me, and I can't help but open my eyes, and wrinkle my brow.

"Robots can't be emotional."

Ignoring the fact that I have only just opened my eyes, she inclines her head towards me and purses her lips.

"Honey, I don't have time to explain to you how they can be, okay? I suppose violent would be a better word, but-" The rest of her sentence is lost to me, and everything is still before I slowly slip back into oblivion.


Home is cold and sterile. To me, home is where I am happy, and so far, I have found no such place. For me, there is only misery, and though that may sound dramatic, it is true. Not once have I ever been truly happy.

I think of that now as I stand in front of my stark, white house, glaring at the reflective windows, my mother's hand on my arm. This time, I don't flinch away. Instead, I brush her hand off, march into the house and practically run up the stairs, eager to be in my own room. There, I will find solace.

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