Just a Dream: Part One

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Description: In which Harry and Draco's dreams throughout seventh year are portrayed (Harry and Draco's POVs)

Warnings: Violence

Song: Dream by Imagine Dragons

Length: 2.5k words

Night One

Draco's POV

Sound was only a whisper in the wind. Everything was dark and sound was muffled, the thick air relentless on my feeble lungs.


My voice echoed back at me. Where was I? What was this?

I began to quiver, and wrapped my arms around myself, squeezing my eyes shut.

Oh, Merlin...

I leapt back with a wheezed shout as someone place their hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

I swung my head wildly, but no one was there, nothing but darkness-

Until there was light. A blinding one, that shone with the intensity of a thousand suns and scorched my eyes blind.

Despite the pain, I stayed silent, and went completely still as somebody grabbed at me once more.


I awoke with a start, my heart racing out of my chest.

For once, I hadn't dreamt of Voldemort, of my parents, of the war.

But rather of Harry Potter's voice bringing light to a world of darkness.

Harry's POV

Everything was white, brighter than I had ever known. I blinked rapidly, my eyes burning.

Where was I? It looked as if I were in the place where Dumbledore talked to me, just as I had been struck with a bolt of green.


A voice echoed, shattering the light.

I opened my eyes to gray, which was slowly being enveloped by night. And, standing in the darkness was a spinning figure of light.

An angel, perhaps? No.

Draco Malfoy. But another person all the same.

My mouth dry, I took a step forward and grabbed his shoulder, startling him into jumping back.

"Draco." I murmured, but he didn't seem to hear me as he swung around.

And then he blinked.

"Draco?" I repeated.

I awoke, my grip tight on the covers and sweat dripping into my eyes.


What in Merlin's beard was that?

Night Seven

Harry's POV

A whirling of colors. A vortex encircled me, a spinning oblivion of memories and images.

At moments, the tornado of my thoughts seemed to almost... Buffer.

Once, when the vortex halted, I was met with the memory of our divination class earlier that day.

"Well, class, have you ever heard of the term soulmate?" Professor Trelawney asked, and most people nodded.

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