Blue Girls Don't Cry and Neither Do Guys: Part Three

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Notes: I know I said differently earlier, but the Yule Ball in this is going to happen before the Third Task, therefore in Part Four. Sorry!

Song: Underwater Secrets from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Length: 2.2k words

Draco's POV

"You're stupid." The first kick didn't hurt as much as the others.

"Weak." Then came the slap, right across my face.

"Hideous." I was on the ground, and the kicks kept coming, repeatedly hitting my stomach.

"Ugly." Two pairs of feet, hitting both my back and my stomach.

"Gross!" Came a hiss, then a kick so sharp it made me cry out.

I didn't have the energy to open my eyes as one of the blue clad boys picked me up by the collar, his spittle flying over my face.

"Hey, Blue Girl, go kiss a girl, not a boy! You're disgusting. Next time you do that, we'll truly show you what happens when you decide to act like a girl." He said girl as if it were a swear.

Then, my bony back was thrown against the wall, and I was left alone in the cold, cold hall.


"Draco? Oh, Merlin." A heavily accented voice filtered in through the fog that cloaked my mind.

Slowly, I opened my burning eyes to see Harry staring at me with those mesmerizing emerald eyes.

My own grew wide.

"Get away!" I hissed halfheartedly, the boy's words echoing in my mind as if I were hollow - no. At that moment, I knew I truly was hollow.

"What? Christ, who did this?"

"None of your business! Go away, please!" Tears built up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall as I tried to raise my hand to wave him off. My shoulder protested, sending spikes of pain through my body.

Hearing my moan of pain, he frowned in worry.

"Draco, I need you to tell me what happened. Seriously. And why? People can't just - they can't..." But his words faded, and that was when I noticed the bruises on his face.

My heart giving a pang, I went against my better judgement and raised my unhurt hand, placing it gently on his cheek. Despite my being careful, he still winced from the pain.

"Oh, Merlin. Somebody hurt you too," I said, and the tears made my voice husky, but I still refused to let them fall.

His lips thinned.

"Yeah... I'm okay now, though. Did those people hurt you for the same reason they hurt me?"

I nodded slowly, and he flinched, grabbing my hand off of his face and grasping it so tightly it hurt.

"I'm going to murder those assholes, I swear to Merlin. Who did this?"

I shook my head.

"I don't know."

"Please. Try to remember." The look on his face was murderous.



"I think it was my roommates, Godfrey and Ari, and some others," I croaked.

Tears began to spill from his eyes, and I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that he didn't stop them from falling, just letting them slide down his face.

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