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Description: In a series of diary entries written by Harry, Draco and his relationship is described in intricate detail - from start to finish.

Warnings: angst

Song: Just a Game by Birdy

Length: 1.3k words


Day One

Today was strange, to say the least. Too much happened. Well, in my experience, what day in the confines of Hogwarts is ever normal, or even boring? None, I say. But my day grew significantly queerer the moment I stepped into potions. What could ever be strange about potions, considering it is much like muggle chemistry? You know, disregarding the fact that this sort of chemistry can simulate infatuation, transform you into another person for an hour, and cast you into a sleep so deep and complete from which you can never awake. My partner that day just happened to be Draco Malfoy himself - who knew that a simple potions class could transform into something so major? I admit, I've always been slightly entranced by Draco. After all, how can you not, unless you don't like those of the male species? So, when he asked me out, you can only imagine how readily I said yet - and how completely I embarrassed myself.

Day Two

To be clear, Draco has changed. Well, he did after the war, at least. But, then again, didn't everybody? For Hogwarts students, including myself, sudden panic attacks, surges of severe PTSD, and the development of strange - albeit comforting - habits is not abnormal. For I, it is all of the above that plague me. Nightmares of fires, hallucinations of Death Eaters and occasionally Voldemort himself, and panic attacks as I enter the Great Hall are not uncommon, unfortunately for both me and my peers. But what can I do to stop them? Sometimes, I've noticed, Draco doesn't show up to class; a lot of the time, when he does, he's distracted, and will constantly leave the room. But do you know what makes me the saddest? The fact that, perhaps, I am the only person who both notices and cares.

Day Four

We never agreed on a spot to meet. However, that morning, when we ran into each other at the Three Broomsticks, we decided the two hours we had left would be a sufficient amount of time to enjoy each other's company. And that short amount of time was probably the most beautiful I had ever experienced. I won't specify on what occurred during those two hours, since it was quite uneventful - though not boring. But, I will say the slight peck we shared afterwards was the best of it all.

Day Ten

Who knew Ron would be the first to notice that Draco and I were officially dating? He is better at reading people's emotions - though usually when those emotions aren't directed towards himself - than even Hermione, I suppose, so I wasn't really surprised when he began to discreetly discuss Draco at breakfast this morning. Hermione didn't notice, as she was caught up in a conversation with Ginny, but Seamus and Dean certainly did. However, I know they won't be spilling Draco and I's secret anytime soon, as I have a secret of their's dangled over their heads. Ha, I sound like a terrible person, don't I? Well, what would you do if Seamus threatened to spill the fact that you were consorting with the enemy to the entire Gryffindor house?

Day Thirteen

Kissing Draco is wonderful, like kissing a being made of warm snow. I know, it makes no sense. But how else do you describe a person that sends chills down your spine all while making your face burn? A fever, I suppose, so there you go. Draco Malfoy is a fever, but a beautiful one, as if he is the child of the burning flames of passion and the icy grasp of lust.

Day Seventeen

Is it bad that he turned away from me when I dove in to kiss him the moment we were alone? No, I don't think so - but it makes my heart ache all the same.

Day Twenty

The same thing happened again at breakfast. By now, most of the school has figured it out, and most - disregarding a couple members of Slytherin and Gryffindor - accept us. Naturally, that stung, but I doubt it meant much... Though, the wide eyes of Hermione and the burning expression set onto both Ron and Ginny's faces said differently.

Day Twenty-One

It's only been three weeks, but it feels like several years. How can you know somebody so well that you only just discovered days before? I don't know, but somehow, that's the relationship between Draco and I. I constantly catch him smiling whenever I do the smallest things; I pretend to not notice, but I do. And those moments are beautiful. Today, my kiss wasn't avoided. Rather, it was welcomed greedily, with lips that tasted of honey and mint.

Day Twenty-Four

Today it happened. Well, tonight, actually, after a game of Spin the Bottle that spanned between all houses. Who knew such a sweet, dared kiss could possibly spark a moment so magical and gorgeous? His skin tasted like sugar, almost as if he had dusted himself with something sweet before the game. That, I think he did. But I replaced the dusty sweetness with purple marks of my own, that screamed that he was mine, and I was his.

Day Twenty-Eight

For awhile, I believed Draco Malfoy was invincible, untouchable, flawless. But no true human being is any of those things. Well, that's why, I think, I believed him to be all that - I thought him to be a creature almost otherworldly. However, when we escaped into the Room of Requirements that evening after a terribly dull class, the sight of an environment so familiar made us both pause - and, in Draco's case, crumble. At that moment, fear bewitched me, and I could only watch with absolute terror as he fell to the floor, his head in his hands. When I reached down to embrace him, he looked up at me, and that combination of anger and sadness that danced in his eyes struck me still. Do you know what stung, even though it is selfish of me to say so? At that time, with irritation directed towards me, he said, "No, not you. I need Blaise. Leave me alone!" Perhaps he just needed a best friend with him, at that moment. So I left.

Day Thirty-One

I thought I would never feel a betrayal worse than when Ron believed I was out for glory in fourth year. I feel betrayal deeply, honestly - so Draco's was the worst that I had ever felt. I remember, I wanted to find him, if just to say hello and give him a kiss... But no. That would never happen, as instead of finding him alone in the library, I found him pressing Blaise Zabini against one of the shelves, a sort of wonder and love greater than he had directed towards me writhing in his eyes as he tenderly kissed the other boy. That pain was awful. And, even though I am positive Draco saw me as I slunk away with tears streaming down my face, he only continued to kiss Blaise, his gaze drifting away from mine.

Day Thirty-Three

What's that spell again? Obliviate?

Day Thirty-Five

Future me, if you're reading this, let me tell you - all of this is a joke. It's fake. Something written and spread by Malfoy to embarrass you. If anybody says something to you about your "relationship", THEY'RE LYING.

Day One

Every time I see Malfoy and Zabini holding hands in the hallways, I feel a certain, stinging pain. Why? And why does everyone keep on apologizing? And why does Malfoy always give me that look, as if he's in pain? Ha, well, screw him, and screw this weird, bubbly feeling in my chest. Screw it all.

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