Dance: Part Two

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Description: a continuation of Dance: Part One.

Song: Say Amen by Panic! At the Disco

Warnings: strong language, violence, rape mentions, and sexual content

Length: 2.9k words

Third Person POV

The Viper's headquarters were so villainy and stereotypical it made Harry's stomach hurt. It was a rather large building, perhaps a factory in its past life, with mossy brick walls and a redone floor that was cold as the villain that owned it. When Harry looked up from the floor, he found himself face to face with the Viper, the villain's lips pursed in irritation.

"No pointless fights," Viper mocked, prowling around Harry. "Golden Dagger, you are one sonofabitch."

Viper's voice was unwavering and cruel, but when Harry looked down at his hands, he found them shaking violently.

Gesturing to them, Harry said, "Not so brave as you like to pretend, yeah?"

Viper let out a growl, but otherwise, his mask was firmly set in place. Both figuratively and literally. "Perhaps. Now," he snapped his fingers, "what's the real reason for you being here? Did somebody piss you off in real life?"

When Harry didn't respond, he let out a faux gasp. "Aha! Well, I can help you with that, pretty boy." The villain's hands slid down Harry's sides.

Harry jerked away, feeling baffled. The villain's sudden changes in mood were dizzying.

"Can you stop?" Harry snapped, and Viper went still, his hand darting to grasp the knife he had on his belt.

The Viper sighed through his nose. "You know, you're very, very lucky that you caught me while I was still in my suit. If you didn't... I couldn't promise to properly keep myself under control."

The way that he phrased the words made Harry's entire body go hot. Gritting his teeth, Harry pulled a wicked, curved blade out of his suit and cocked his head.

"Viper, let's dance."

Their ballet began as it had done half a million times before, rage sparking in Golden Dagger's eyes like a match against oil and Viper's lips pulling themselves into a blossom smile. The repetitive movements were familiar enough to Harry that they put him somewhat at ease.

However, the dreamy battle-of-blades was broken apart once Viper drew first blood. His dagger sliced into Harry's cheek, a deep cut in which an ivory piece of bone could be seen. Harry let out a pained gasp.

Viper looked almost unapologetic until his face was once more set into stone. He prowled around Harry, his teeth bared and knives revealed, the playfulness that Harry had come to associate with the dramatic villain gone when he growled, "I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but enough games, Golden Dagger. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

The shock on Harry's face must have been evident, because Viper threw back his head and let out a great, musical laugh, one that was marred by the sharp edge of pain. "Don't look so surprised, goldenboy. I have my own things to do and own people to see, none of which include you. In fact, I have no idea why you insist on attacking me all the time!" Harry glanced up at his enemy's face to find his lips pressed tightly together. "I am doing true good, Golden Dagger, unlike you. I do not save people to further inflate my ego. My purpose is to destroy those who destroy, so that the innocent may remain safe. But you!" Viper whirled, settling one of his daggers against Harry's chest. Harry didn't move. "But you think that all life should be spared. Well, let me bestow some of my knowledge on you, sweet cheeks. Not all people deserve to be saved."

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