Waistbands and Slytherin Ties

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Description: During part two of Ties, it is mentioned that Hermione walked in on Draco and Harry kissing. What if Draco and Harry had been kissing for longer, and it wasn't Hermione who walked in on them, but rather a whole group of Gryffindors? (Harry's POV)

Warnings: Apparently some people consider intense making out smut, so... Smut warning, I suppose.

Song: Strange Love by Halsey

Length: 1.1k words

Harry's POV

Draco laughs as I grasp his hand, throwing his head back.
A smile blossoms on my face.
"You're so adorable." I whisper, and he grins wildly, letting himself get tugged along by me.
We race down the corridors, giggling and disregarding the fact that anybody can see us at any time.
At the moment, we're worried about nothing.
Eventually, we reach the Gryffindor common room, and we tumble inside, laughing hysterically.
Immediately, Draco's expression goes somber.
"Will anybody be in here?" He asks.
I shook my head.
"No. Classes, remember?"
"Oh... Right."
We stare each other at a moment, our eyes wide before running to each other.
I catch his lips with mine.
They go soft beneath my roaming tongue, parting slightly.
I separate us, drawing from him a disappointed groan.
"Couch." I murmur, my voice husky, and he shoves me.
I gasp and fall onto the couch pillows.
He straddles me, his eyes clouded over with passion, and he dips his head to kiss me.
I arch my back beneath him, writhing as his lips move to my neck.
He chuckles, sending pleasant vibrations throughout my body.
"Scared, Potter?"
I can't help but gasp.
"Yes, very."
He sprinkles kisses along my collarbone, which, I realize, is completely bare.
"My shirt...?"
My words are silenced by Draco's teeth, which latch onto me.
I grip his waist.
"S-stop.... Please."
Don't. Please don't.
He grins against my skin.
"How about no?"
He sits up, and his hands drift from my hair, making their way down my sides.
He presses his fingertips to the area below my ribs, and I inhale sharply, my eyes widening as his fingers creep to my waistband.
Grinning, his middle and index fingers slide into my pants, and-
"Oh Merlin."
We both freeze.
Draco whips his head towards the door, eyes wide, mouth flying open as he sees the person - or people - that entered.
I can't see them, but I knew the person who spoke.
Ginny Weasley.
"Malfoy, I really, really don't want to know who's beneath you right now..." Ginny mumbles, her voice low.
I tighten my grip on Draco's waist.
His head swivels back towards me, and I shake my head, mouthing the words tell them to leave.
He clears his throat.
"Can you, er, leave...?"
A couple of laughs bubble up from the area where Ginny's voice came from.
"This is our common room. Not your's, so you should get out."
Draco's lavender eyes flare with irritation.
"Listen, Weaslette, the person beneath me - who is a Gryffindor - says that you should leave."
Ginny snorts.
"The person beneath you is probably some dumbass bird who thinks it's cool to sleep with a Slytherin." I bite my tongue, struggling to keep silent as Ginny's venomous words continue. "And she's probably a fifth or sixth year, considering how much you enjoy doing disgusting things."
Immediately, Draco's fingers, which I realize are still caught in my waistband, press so tightly against my abdomen I wince and hiss,
"Stop. That hurts."
Obviously, nobody heard me, since there was no gasp of surprise or horrified words.
"Sorry." Draco mumbles, and lightens up his grip.
He then turns back to Ginny.
"The person beneath me is somebody you'd be better off not offending." He says, frowning.
Ginny only chuckles.
"Oh, really? Who's a Gryffindor bird so important that I shouldn't insult them, that isn't standing next to me?"
Oh, shit.
"How big is the group?" I murmur, and Draco looks down at me, his lips pursed.
"Er... Neville, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Seamus, Dean, and Colin."
Double shit.
"Aww, you telling your girlfriend who is about to humiliate her?" Ginny sneers.
That comment makes Draco snap.
"Who says the person beneath me is a bird?" He hisses, his grip on my waist tight once more.
The group is completely silent until Dean speaks.
"Ah." He says, a smile in his words. "Knew it. Who is the lucky bloke beneath you? I mean, I'd rather it be me, but I have Seamus, so..."
Those words send a ridiculous shard of jealousy through me.
"Please don't tell them." I plead, and Draco laughs mirthlessly.
"Don't worry. I won't."
"I know who's under him." Ron says suddenly, obviously grinning.
I feel sick.
Draco snorts, tracing circles onto my skin with his index finger.
"I really doubt that, Weasley."
"But it is Harry, isn't it?"
Draco's finger freezes.
"No, are you a blithering idiot?" He shoots, his voice biting.
I clear my throat, prepared to speak, but Hermione's sudden laughter interrupts me.
"Oh, Harry, I know your voice. I struggled not to say anything but..."
Her words trail off.
With a great sigh, I sit up, knocking Draco backwards.
"Er, sorry?"
I grin sheepishly at Ginny before gauging the reactions of the group.
Colin's biting his lip, his face completely red.
Neville's staring at the floor, a scarlet blush prominent across the bridge of his nose.
Hermione's struggling not to laugh, her hand over her mouth.
Ron's grinning stupidly, his eyes sparkling with the emotion of somebody who has just been proved correct.
Ginny looks as if she's about to be sick, her face tinged green.
And Seamus and Dean grin at each other, Seamus reluctantly handing Dean what looks like a small sack of coins.
Hermione suddenly turns to Ginny.
"Ginny, I swear to Merlin, of you tell anybody about this-"
"Don't worry." She interrupts, wrinkling her nose. "I won't."
She then abruptly leaves the common room, and I hear her murmuring the word obliviate.
"That's unfortunate." I mumble, and Draco sends a beaming smile my way.
"Yeah, don't worry. We won't tell anyone." Neville says, and they leave the common room.
I tug Draco back towards me, and he stares at me, obviously confused.
"Well," I begin. "shouldn't we start where we left off?"

I sit at the Gryffindor tables, pursing my lips at all the strange looks being sent my way.
"Harry..." Ginny says, staring at my chest. "You should've told us you were seeing someone."
Surprisingly, her words aren't tinged with disappointment as I expected.
"What are you talking about? Can somebody please tell me what the Hell'a going on?" I snap, and Ron laughs, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Harry," He begins, his gaze drifting from my cheek to my shirt. "You're wearing a Slytherin tie."

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