The Basilisk Locket

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Deacription: A soulmate AU in which when you are born, you are given half of a necklace that becomes full when combined with your soulmate's. (Harry's POV)

Warnings: None

Notes: Credit goes to @myidiosyncrasy for the brilliant idea!

Song: Into You by Ariana Grande

Length: 900 words

Harry's POV

When I was born, it was half a metal basilisk clutched in my fist. Vernon and Petunia decided to let me keep it, just to keep my from screaming whenever they tried to take it off. When they did so, they thought I was screaming because I wanted to keep it. But no. Rather, the pain I felt when Vernon tugged on it struck me to the core. It made my bones vibrate, my jaw clench, and my eyes burn, an ache that started with a sting at the center of my chest.

Now, at Hogwarts, I watch the people around me find their soulmates. Neville and Blaise combined their willow tree necklaces Christmas morning in fifth year, Pansy and Hermione following soon after with their cat one. Luna and Ginny's half moons were accidentally combined when they tripped into each other one morning during their sixth year, while Dean and Seamus put together their fox ones out of curiosity one seventh year evening only to find it wouldn't end as such a joke. Padma and Ron still haven't figured it out, but anyone with eyes can tell their half roses would go perfectly together.

Currently, however, I sit in the library, slowly turning over my half basilisk in one hand. Today, the person I'm imagining to be my soulmate is tall - and silver haired as well, with sparkling eyes that shift from storm gray to blue to lavender. I find myself imagining my soulmate to be Draco Malfoy.

Wrinkling my nose, I shake away that thought. How ridiculous.

"Is this seat taken?" Speaking of the devil, Draco sits beside me, his gaze rooted to the table.

"Uh, no, it isn't," I manage.

I an hyper aware as her reaches across the table, accidentally brushing our elbows against each other as he reaches for a book.

I drop the necklace back on my neck.

"Found your soulmate yet?" I ask, attempting to break the silence.

His face goes red.


"Oh. Me neither."

"Really? I heard a rumor that your soulmate was the Weaslette."

I couldn't help but snort.

"Er, no. Her soulmate is Luna."


We lapse into a comfortable silence, me leaning against the table and just thinking while Draco reads.

I wonder who his soulmate is? Probably that blonde Slytherin that's always hanging off of him - what's her name again? Angelina? Ambrosia?

An irritated noise slips from my lips, and Draco whips his head towards me, his brows raised.

"What was that about?" he asked, and my face grew hot.


"No. It wasn't nothing."

"No," I agreed. "It wasn't."

"Well, then?"

I chose to stay silent, my hand wondering to my necklace.

Following my hand with his gaze, Draco bites his lip.

"What's your necklace?" he asks.

I shrug, looking away.

"Hmm..." His brows raise even higher. "Mine's a snake."


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you're a Slytherin."

"Er, sure, but my house isn't everything," he snapped, running his fingers through his hair.

"I know."

"Doesn't sound like you do."

"Really? Do you think my house, Gryffindor, is everything?"

He stayed silent.

"Yeah, thought so," I continued, my tone venomous.

Suddenly, I stood, fury boiling in my chest like a wildfire.

"You know what, I'll be going back to the common room," I said coolly, and didn't stay to gouge Draco's reaction as I turned to leave the library.

When I finally get to the corridor, I hear my name echoing off the stone.

"Wait, Harry!"


I whirl around, only to have Draco run right into me, his head snapping against my chest.

"Shit!" he swears, and tries to pull back, but our necklaces are tangled together, somehow.

I reach down and tug on one slightly, only to have Draco's necklace slip in between my fingers.

Out of curiosity, I turn it over to catch a glimpse of the charm.

The scales of the snake glimmer dark green in the candlelight, and the body is split in half, distinguished as a snake only by the scales and the head-

I gasp and stumble backwards.

Draco's eyes go wide as I fall on my ass, sprawling across the floor.

"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" he muses, but I shake my head, everything numb.

"No," I croak, holding up the charm on my necklace. "Come here. Please."

Still looking baffled, he crouches beside me, and before he can react, I quickly take his necklace in my hand and snap it to mine.

"Oh, Merlin," I hear him whisper.

I stare, numb, at the necklaces in my hand, at the formed basilisk that rests in my palm.

Draco seems too calm.

I look up to find him smiling lazily, his hand hovering over my arm.

"You know," he begins, gently placing his fingertips on my arm and grinning as he sees the chills that come afterwards. "they say a kiss from your soulmate is more pleasurable than a kiss from anyone else."

I look up at him, a sharp pain going through my chest.


And, when he presses his lips to mine, I find that he is right, for I am only shards of liquid moonlight in his hands.

Ughh, sorry this sucked :/

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