Lifesaver: Part One

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Description: Draco is in a relationship with a Ravenclaw named Alder, while Harry and Ginny are beginning to see other people. When Harry find Draco crying in the halls, and Harry starts to realize that his feelings towards the Slytherin are not like hatred at all, things begin to get complicated.

Warnings: smut, physical and sexual abuse

Song: The Emotion by BØRNS

Length: 1.4k words


Harry's POV

I tighten my grip against the counter, my eyes drifting to the clock on the wall. On his knees, with his fingers curled around the belt loops in my jeans is a boy I didn't bother to learn the name of before I slipped him a couple knuts. Maybe his name was Timothy, or perhaps Tyler...

"Hurry up," I drawl, my eyelids drooping in boredom. "I have DADA in ten minutes, and I would like to get there on time."

Timothy/Tyler/Tybalt moves back to sit, his face twisted in a scowl.

"What, am I bad?" he says cockily, and his expression sours even further when I nod distractedly.

He stands, and without even saying another word, leaves me alone in the corridor. I sigh and run a hand through my hair before zipping up my pants.

"Harry?" Ginny's voice echoes through the corridor. I turn to face her, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Gin. How's Luna?" I smile at her, and once she comes closer, I sling an arm around her shoulder.

Her face crinkles in mock irritation. "Oh, she's good. How's Theodore?"

Ah. That's his name. "Bad at giving blowjobs, I can tell you that."

She lets out a bark of laughter, and slips out from under my arm, leaning against the wall instead. "Well, you know what they say. I'm the best."

This time, it's my turn to laugh. "I'm not going to argue with that."

She's quiet for a moment. "Harry... I have to say I'm worried about you."

"What? Why?" I frown.

"You've been acting reckless lately, with the whole a knut for a blowjob shit. Why do you do that?"

I shrug, shifting uncomfortably. "I'm bored, okay? That's not my fault."

She smiles sadly. "No, it isn't. But be careful."


She smacks my arm playfully, her nervous laughter ricocheting off the walls. "Oh, you know what I mean. Use protection, don't screw with known perverts, the sorts."

"Uh... perverts? We're not in America."

She makes a sound through her teeth. "Don't generalize Americans, dumbass. You know, that transfer student, Ember... he's something. Great with herbology, even better with magical creatures. He's like a god or some shit, and looks the part too, with those prosthetic horns of his. Anyway, you heard what I said."

"Don't generalize Americans?"

Ginny slaps my arm again, her eyes bright with laughter. "Yes, but be careful." Her eyes darkened somberly as if to emphasize her sternness. "They say Delilah was raped by one of the Ravenclaws when she paid him for... you know."

"But she's a girl."

"Boys can be raped too, Harry. You can never be too careful."

Draco's POV

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