The Violet Charm: Part Two

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Song: Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

Length: 1.1k words

Harry's POV

The first day was uneventful, boring, even, considering Draco and I were tied together by our wrists.
When had I started to call him Draco?
I shoved that thought away, instead focusing on the gleaming snow beneath my shoes.
"C'mon, Potter." Draco snapped, jerking me away from my thoughts with a forceful tug.
We were walking around the grounds, looking for the ingredients for Felix Felicis, which we were brewing in potions.
"Don't call me that." I mumbled.
"I said, don't call me that."
The silence in that moment was deafening.
"Don't call you what?"
"... Potter."
"Oh... Okay, Harry."
Hearing him say my name sent chills down my spine.
Dismissing them, I forged forward, bending down to pluck a random plant off the ground as if it were an ingredient we were searching for.
Draco stared at me with surprise.
"Er... That's Bubbleweed."
Startled, I dropped the plant, but not before my skin began to blister.
"Shit." I swore, whipping my hand to my face.
"No!" He cried, gripping my wrist. "Don't touch your face. You'll only infect yourself further."
I couldn't help but smile slightly.
Seeing my grin, Draco frowned.
"What, Potter?"
"What, Harry?"
Again, those strange chills.
"Sure didn't seem like nothing."
"You just... Oh, I dunno. Showed concern for me?"
Scowling, Draco dropped my wrist.
"Did not!"
"Did too."
He only huffed in response, turning towards the castle.
"We should get you to the infirmary... Come on." He mumbled, and with a small grin, I followed him.

We stayed the night in the hospital, side by side on one of the larger beds, staring at the ceiling far above.
I don't think either of us slept.

Draco's POV

I didn't sleep that night.
Instead, as I lay awake, my thoughts went to places that frightened me in a way even my father couldn't.
An emerald sea.
It stretched in front of me, swaying, bright with the light of the golden sun.
Beside me, Harry laughed, spinning around.
Though he didn't speak, I could tell what he was thinking.
Grinning, I ran into the field, stumbling a few times before catching up to Harry.
I grabbed his shoulder.
"Harry." I murmured, and he turned to face me, his lips so close to mine-
I pushed away those thoughts with a gasp.
Harry jerked beside me, sitting up, forcing me to do so as well.
"Merlin, Draco!" He scowled.
Pleasant chills spread on my arms as he said my name.
He said it as if it were as delicate as glass, sharp yet beautiful.
I could see him speaking, yet couldn't hear his words.
"Hmm?" I muttered.
"I said, what was that about? You scared me!"
I blushed furiously.
My mind went back to those thoughts.
If only I had continued to think....
Harry startled me as he abruptly laid back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling until the windows were alight with daffodil sunlight and the glass was spattered with morning dew.

We were pressed uncomfortably close, my heart racing at Harry's touch as Professor McGonagall instructed us on how to transfigure an owl into a chalice.
"Mr. Malfoy, care to show us how to transfigure this owl?"
Professor McGonagall's sharp voice whipped me away from my daydreams.
I flushed scarlet, and stood, forcing Harry to follow me.
By the second day, most people knew about our whole situation, though only a few knew why we were chained together, thankfully.
Still, Pansy's sneers were driving me even more insane than I actually was.
I whipped out my wand and performed an elegant flourish in the direction of the owl, which promptly transformed into a white chalice.
McGonagall nodded.
"Very good, Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Potter, what about you?"
I was hyper aware of the way Harry's hand clenched at my side.
Biting his lip, he waved his wand at the owl, which changed back into an owl, albeit a metal one.
For a moment, McGonagall stared at the moving metal owl before offering up a small smile.
"Good, though, next time, maybe try to make the chalice turn into, well, an actual owl. Anyone else?"

Harry's POV

After transfiguration, I dragged Draco from the classroom, determined to get to the great hall as soon as possible.
"Slow down." Draco mumbled, but let me drag him along anyway.
I grinned as we entered the great hall.
Though nobody went completely silent or openly made fun of our predicament, whispers still began to circulate the room, and the glances being shot in our direction made discomfort churn in my stomach.
Draco tugged me towards the Slytherin table.
"C'mon." I complained, jerking him to a stop. "We sat there at lunch!"
Draco only smirked.
When we reached the Slytherin table, I received a glare from Pansy, who immediately started to whisper with a golden haired girl across the table I believe was named Astoria.
"Oh, I sort of ship it..." I heard Astoria sigh, and I whipped my head in her direction with a frown.
She blushed, but didn't speak.
"Ship?" I questioned.
Pansy smirked, pushing around the rice on her plate.
"She thinks you and Draco would be a good couple. I think that would be ridiculous. After all, aren't you both straight?"
At that, I shot Draco a look, but his eyes were glued to the table.
"How would you even know?" He asked her. "It isn't like you ever took the time to actually get to know me. All you've ever done is talk about yourself."
Pansy's mouth fell open as she stood, sending her food flying towards Astoria.
"You're totally gay for Potter!" She screeched, catching the attention of everyone in hearing range.
The entire hall went silent.
Draco stood as well, forcing me up with him.
"So what if I am?" He snarled, crossing his arms.
I looked at him, startled, but he ignored me completely.
"You have no right to judge people based on who they like." He continued. "So what if I like boys? Screw off, you bitch. Now, c'mon, Harry. We have a better place to sit, don't you think?"
Surprising me even further, Draco grasped my hand and dragged me away from the Slytherin table, pulling me to the Gryffindor table.
I still shocked, we sat down next to Hermione and Ron, who only shot venomous glares at Pansy before continuing to eat.
"So... What was that about?" I asked, turning towards Draco.
He smiled shyly.
"It was about this."
And, when his lips were pressed to mine, and the entire hall went silent, I didn't pull away, but instead kissed back.
When we finally separated, I was out of breath entirely, and Draco was gasping.
"Well," He managed, placing a quivering hand on my knee. "I'd definitely like to do that again."
Smiling, I nodded.
"Yeah. And so would I."

Though the violet charm wore off in the night, we still kept our hands entwined from then on.

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