The Casual Cruelty of Draco Malfoy

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Description: a high school AU where Harry develops a crush on his school's most popular student, Draco. After an abrupt game of football, several of the boys discuss their feelings.

Warnings: swearing and sexual situations

Song: Lemon Boy by Cavetown

Notes: honestly so many of my oneshots are starting to have smut??? Like I'm sorry to all my readers that hate that sort of shit but for some reason my writing has been heading there as of late. But also, I toned it down today because I'm too lazy to write more than 3000 words today.

Length: 2.6k words


Harry's POV

"-oh, don't be so thirsty," Pansy chided, her hand connecting with Ginny's arm. Ginny yanked her hand away and scowled.

We stood together by the largest window in the library, watching as some of the boys played a game of football below on the field. Ginny and Pansy may have been staring at Oliver Wood, but my eyes were glued to Draco Malfoy.

Draco was everything that every girl and boy wanted at Hogwarts School for the Gifted; athletic, undeniably attractive, and hilarious, though he always had a curling sneer placed on his face. That was not a problem for me, though; if anything, it made him more attractive.

Like most athletic boys at Hogwarts, he was on one of their only sports teams - the track team - stereotypically enough. I had always wanted to join track, but rather stuck with artistic activities such as theatre and choir. I wasn't unhappy singing with Luna and acting in plays with Pansy, exactly, but sparks of jealousy always went alight in my chest whenever I caught Ginny racing Dean down on the track after hours.

I forced my gaze from Draco, his platinum hair shining in the sun and his bare shoulders broad, to shoot a lazy smile at Ginny. "Yeah, Gin," I mocked Pansy, mocking the flip of her hair, "stop being so thirsty."

Their laughter bounced against the walls to create a chain a giggles, one that echoed in my ears long afterwards.


My footsteps were loud against the cool, marble floors, breaking the silence of the hall. I walked onward with purpose, my mind on one thing; Draco Malfoy.

One may say that I was in love with him, but I could assure you that I was entirely straight, even if I could appreciate the sexual appeal of men, like I could with Draco. But I realize now that my actions definitely said otherwise. After all, everywhere Draco was, I was. Sort of. If he was running track or just practicing, I was in the stands, most likely with Ginny, Pansy, or Luna. If he was playing football down on the field, I was most likely watching in the library above. I didn't like him romantically or sexually; no, I just enjoyed his athletic prowess.

That was what I told myself as I took the stairs down to where the field was. After all, if I couldn't appreciate the sport from above, the least I could do was watch from the stands. However, as I stepped gingerly onto the dewy grass, avoiding the gazes of the players, I knew that rather than being discreet, I had drawn all of their eyes towards me.

"Hey, Harry!" Seamus yelled cheerfully, shooting me a wave. I offered one back.

I scanned the players, noting that there were fewer of them than earlier. The group had shrunk to Parvati Patil, who enjoyed the brutal honesty and strength of the boys; Blaise Zabini, who was both Draco's best friend and Pansy's childhood friend; Ron Weasley, who was once my best friend, but we stopped being friends as he began to ditch me for his sophomore girlfriend, Lavender Brown; Seamus Finnigan, who was my close friend and Dean Thomas's not-so-secret boyfriend; Dean Thomas himself, whose gaze was more on Seamus than on me; and, of course, Draco Malfoy himself.

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