Blue Girls Don't Cry and Neither Do Guys: Part Two

227 12 8

Song: Whisky Lullabies by Janet Devlin

Length: 1.8k words

Draco's POV

The next morning, I wandered around the halls once more, entranced by the movement of the paintings when they were awake. Ahead of me, students clad in red fled out of classes, most moving to the courtyard.

So far, I hadn't glanced a single Beauxbatons student other than at breakfast, and only a small group of about three Durmstrang students.

That was, until I barreled into something firm, my thoughts drifting.

"Oi! Watch it!" I snapped, but when I looked up, I felt my face grow hot.

Harry looked slightly disoriented, blinking down at me for a moment until he realized who I was.

Recognition flashed in those emerald eyes, and his face went red as he slowly began to back away.

"Er, hello," he stammered, and I smirked, batting my lashes.

"Hey. Where's the rest of you?"


"I've seen, like, two Durmstrang students in the past hour."

"Oh... Most of them are down at the lake, I think."

There was a brief moment of tense silence until I broke it, flashing him a grin I knew caught him off guard.

"Well... I shall see you tonight at the Astronomy Tower, I suppose."


"You heard me, Potter." I leaned in close, delighting as my breath ghosting across his skin sent goosebumps down his arms. "I would say make sure to pull on a shirt, but I'd rather see you without one, okay?"

He tried to reply, but his face was startlingly red and his tongue seemed to be tied in knots. I was gone before he could gather his bearings.


He didn't show up that night, or the one following.


When I awoke in the Astronomy Tower two days after I suggested to him that he come and find me, my mood was as gray as a stormy sky. Almost as if to mock me, the true sky that morning was clear and bright blue.

My mood darkened even further as I ran to my dorm room and gathered new clothes, only to run into both Godfrey and Ari.

"Hey, Blue Girl! Where were you last night? Screwing that Durmstrang boyfriend of your's?" Ari sneered, his face twisted with cruelty.

"He's not my boyfriend," I snarled.

Godfrey quirked a brow.

"Oh, what is he then? Your friend with benefits?"

His laughter was like a knife to the chest, and I flinched back, hurt echoing through me as if I were hollow.

"Yeah, go cry, Blue Girl, go ahead."

I fled, but didn't let a single tear slip from my eyes.


I sat down at the table reserved for Beauxbatons students, purposely avoiding the gaze that I could feel like a brand even from across the hall.

Hogwarts' headmaster - which I later learned was called Professor Dumbledore - stood up from the table at the front of the room, slamming his hands down on the wood, thus drawing everyone's attention.

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