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Description: Harry is shocked to discover Draco's Boggart (Harry's POV) (placed in seventh year)

Warnings: Cliché, I suppose, considering this idea has been done a million times before. Also, I'm changing some Boggarts. And Lupin is still alive.

Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

Length: 1.6k words

Harry's POV

Professor Lupin paced in front of us, his hands balled behind his back.

"Today, class," he began, his gaze shifting across all of us. "you will be relearning information about Boggarts. For starters, does anybody know what this is?"

He had stopped moving, and instead stopped in front of the class.

Hermione raised a tentative hand.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"A Boggart is a creature with no true forms that takes the shape of whatever frightens the victim the most."

"Very good. Does anybody else know the spell to repel this creature?"

He ignored Hermione, and instead let his gaze drop onto Draco Malfoy, who was sniggering with his friends.

"Mr. Malfoy, perhaps you would like to tell us the spell to repel a Boggart?" Lupin asked, quirking a brow.

Malfoy's words faltered, though, after a minute, he said,

"This class is utterly ridiculous."

"Correct, Mr. Malfoy."

At that, everyone looked baffled, staring at Draco as if he were a circus creature. Which, I supposed, he was one, considering the amount of people who would pay galleons to leer and spit on him as if he were an animal.

For some strange reason, that thought brought a mixture of emotions ranging from delight to disgust.

Seeing our confusion, Lupin chuckled.

"The spell to repel a Boggart is riddikulus. Everyone say it after me. Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus." The class echoed.

"Very good. Now, please make a line in front of this cabinet."

Instead of usual, in which Draco would push to be first, he was instead struggling towards the back of the room. However, he only made it behind me, and I was seventh in line.

The first to step up was Hermione.

Lupin flicked his wand, and the cabinet burst open, revealing a churning creature that didn't hold a shape.

It writhed and screamed, shifting from wolves to clowns and eventually to a solid form.

A desk formed first, and, behind that desk was Professor McGonagall, who was staring at a sheet of paper.

Hermione paled.

"Miss Granger, please step forward." The faux professor stated, and Hermione, absolutely and obviously terrified, took a step forward.

McGonagall pushed her glass up on the bridge of her nose.

"I'm afraid, Miss Granger, that you've failed all of your classes."

Hermione, who was nearly on the edge of tears, raised her wand with a quivering hand and mumbled.

The scene shifted into McGonagall as a cat on top of the desk, and in her mouth a doll that looked peculiarly like Severus Snape.

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