The Blossoming

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Description: when you touch your soulmate, everything blossoms into color. In a sort of AU where Draco and Harry have never physically touched before, the two finally get into a brawl during their sixth year.

Warnings: smut, a bit of violence, and swearing

Song: Mad Behaviour by Izzy Bizu (almost positive I've put this one in before....)

Length: 2.3k words
Draco's AU

Not everyone has a soulmate. A few go without a presence by their sides, which is okay, but that also means they have to see in black and white for the rest of their meager lives. I do not want to be one of those people.

I am Draco Malfoy, and I am afraid. There are not many things I fear. Perhaps I used to fear the dark, and the monsters that liked to hide out in my closet sometimes, but now my fears are more substantial. They feel more real, and less like a hazy dream.

I am afraid of coming out. I am afraid of my parents, I am afraid of Tom Riddle, I am afraid of failure. But most of all, I fear not ever finding my soulmate. I suppose that means I am actually afraid of a lot of things. But, compared to my friends' fears, I am strong... or weak, depending on what side you peer in from.

Pansy Parkinson is still afraid of the dark. It's a fear that permeates her very being, rendering her unable to sleep with the other girls. So, she sleeps by the emerald green fireplace in the Slytherin common room. She is also afraid of failure, like me, and loud things, unlike me, amongst many other things.

Blaise Zabini is afraid of nothing, and everything. At first glance, he may seem fearless. He does all the crazy things that all of our peers want him to do during late night games of truth or dares, he is always first to volunteer in the more dangerous of our classes, and he likes to talk to the squid in the Black Lake sometimes. But while it seems as if he fears none of these things, in fact, he fears all of them.

Thus, I may seem like the strongest of my friend group, if we are discussing strong in a more traditional sense. But every time I think of it, the more and more I think I may be wrong.


Professor Snape's words bleed together like dripping paint. My gaze drifts from student to student, my heart hammering as I see a black handprint around somebody's wrist. One of the people in this room could be my soulmate. Or, perhaps not.

Girl or boy, man or woman, non-binary or agender, I have absolutely no idea what the gender of my soulmate could be, nor who I am actually attracted to. I have never before had a crush. I think.

I think, I say, because, as my gaze comes to rest upon Harry Potter, my heart gives a butterfly flutter. He is gorgeous, alright; golden skin, peridot eyes, and wind tossed raven hair, what you may imagine the epitome of a summer's day to look like.

I am the opposite; my skin is white as snow, my hair such a pale blonde it could pass as silver, and my eyes icy blue. I am the winter to his summer.

The moment he rejected my handshake leaves a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. For a second, I close my eyes and imagine that we did touch hands, and when we separated, our palms were black as soot.

"Mr. Malfoy, take care to pay attention, will you?" Snape drawls, and my eyes snap open, a blush dancing upon my cheeks. Though, nobody seems to care; everybody is involved in their own work.

Speaking of which, I pick up my quill and quickly begin scratching down my essay.


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