Lifesaver: Part Two

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Description: a continuation of Lifesaver: Part One. Two months later, Harry and Draco are struggling to tamp down their budding feelings for each other. However, this time, when Draco saves Harry, things may change.

Warnings: physical/sexual abuse, smut

Song: Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith

Length: 2.4k words

Harry's POV

It is almost as if nothing happened. Draco and I pass each other in the halls, avoiding each other's gazes as if the meeting of our eyes would be a promise neither of us could keep. After the first two weeks, I began to take different halls. I couldn't stand the warm, honey feeling that seeped into my chest whenever I felt his stare burn into my back, only to realize those gorgeous eyes would always refuse to meet mine.

On this particular day, I shove past a chatting Lavender and Parvati, shouting my apologies their way before storming into the DADA classroom. The substitute, Professor Horne, furrows his brow at me, and at the group of birds who have snuck into the room behind me.

"Patil, Brown, Larsen, Rudaski, Potter," he says sternly, meeting our anxious stares with each word. "You're quite late."

"Yes, we're aware," Lavender pipes up. "But, in defense... Parvati, Eir, Naoki, and I were just talking to Professor Flitwick about charms homework." The falseness of her words bleeds through the sickly sweetness of her tone.

"Detention, all of you. I'll see you next Thursday, and you'll hell me tidy up the cabinets," he snipes, eliciting groans from the group. However, I stay quiet, and slip into a seat that is two rows away from Draco and directly next to Ron. He leans in.

"Apparently we're learning about how to defend against a few dark curses," he says excitedly, and I nod.

"Yeah, Hermione mentioned the same thing last night. Anyway, have you seen her today? I haven't since potions."

In receiving a sharp look from Professor Horne, Ron's voice grows soft. "I think she's with Pansy this morning, helping her with OWLS. Imagine that, Hermione Granger skipping class to help somebody study."

"Well, I mean, she'd do anything for Pansy, as you-"

"Mr. Potter!" Professor Horne thunders, and I force myself to drag my gaze away from Ron's and to the professor's. His eyes are smoldering. "After class, alright? No excuses!"

When I don't remove my stare from his, he turns away, pink tinging the tips of his ears. To be honest, he can't be much older than I - according to Hermione, he's twenty-two, and just starting out as a professor, making him only four years older than I. He's handsome, too, and would be a welcome distraction from the curse laid upon my thoughts.

I study him for the next couple minutes, not paying attention to his lesson. His narrow eyes are a dark blue, his skin pale gold in pallor, and his black hair cropped close to his head. He's thin, but there are muscles in his arms and back.

"Mr. Potter?"

I startle, causing Ron to snort. "Yes, Professor Horne?"

"Can you tell me why this is?"

After he asks this, I realize I have been zoned out for far longer than I had previously thought. When I murmur a quick tempus charm, I see that it has been over forty-five minutes since class has started.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I admit, and purse my lips as I realize he looks indifferent.

"Five points from Gryffindor. Ms. Thorn, do you know this answer to this?"

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