Blue Girls Don't Cry and Neither Do Guys: Part One

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Description: an AU in which Beauxbatons!Draco and Durmstrang!Harry meet when they have to compete against each other in the Triwizard Tournament (Draco's POV)

Warnings: self hate?

Notes: credit to @myidiosyncrasy for this amazing idea :)). Please just pretend that both Harry and Draco are seventeen for this, even though they were fourteen at the time the Triwaizard Tournament took place in the books.

Song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps by Regina Spektor

Length: 1.8k words

Draco's POV

Malfoys do not cry. Those were Isabelline's first English spoken words as she comforted me that day in the tower high above everything else, with tears streaming down my face and her eyes as cold as ice. I didn't know why she spoke in English. French would've been just fine - but no. After thinking about it one night, though, I realized she said it in English to make the words really settle in. After all, French was fluid and beautiful - English was not.

English was sharp as broken glass, with harsh Ks and ragged Gs and blocky words. That was why it was more like a blow to the face than French could ever be. Because English was made up of the venomous words my father spoke to me every time leather turned my back black and violet.


Hogwarts was unlike Beauxbatons in a way so obvious, yet so difficult to pinpoint all the same. Obviously, it was not beautiful in the way Beauxbatons was - our French school was only to be described as delicate, whereas Hogwarts was sharp corners and murderous staircases that decided it was funny to kidnap Raffaello.

The Headmaster gave us a choice - we could either sleep in one of the towers, or down in the dungeons with those Slytherdors, or whatever they were called. So, because we were actually sane, we chose the tower.

And that was how I ended up crammed in a room with three other boys, two of which who nicknamed me Blue Girl.

I wasn't complaining - after all, I got to share a bed with Luciano, a redheaded Italian that could speak six languages, including the tongue of the mer, and who happened to be one of my best - and only - friends. Yet, at the same time, I was also stuck with Ari and Godfrey, two boys whose names for me weren't very nice, if you know what I mean when I say that.

"Hey, Blue Girl," Godfrey sneered, his eyes drifting from the book in his lap. "Leave tonight. I have a piece of nice English ass coming over here tonight, and I don't need to watching us have sex like the pedo I know you are."

I felt a pang of both disgust and hurt, but I didn't respond, only inclined my head to show I was listening.

Wow, how absolutely proud my father would he at my response. Take note of my sarcasm.

Unable to focus studying longer, I snapped my book shut and turned towards Luciano, the only one in the room I could stand - and vise versa.

"Hey, Luci?"


"Do you even know why we're here?"

The moment immediately following he let out a sigh through his nose, looking at me through a curtain of his fiery hair with eyes the color of amethysts.

"If you'd been to the assembly with me, you'd know."

"Yeah..." After getting roughed up by a couple of the students, I had decided to hide out of the Beauxbatons library instead of having to face everyone at the abrupt mandatory assembly - but Luciano didn't need to know the reason for my absence.

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